This was stated in his statement to the court the retired Roberto Eduardo Berazay who retains the original of that paper. Also stated the victim's brothers
about 11 am, the court made by doctors Roberto Falcone, Mario Bava Portela and Martin, gave oral debate started with the reading public and the requirement for elevation to trial by the representative of the Public Prosecutor, Daniel Adler.
Rezett Retired colonel, accused as "necessary to participate in the murder of Analía Magliaro," was the first to appear before the Court, refusing to testify referring not be able to testify health. Nevertheless, he remained attentive throughout the hearing, which lasted until after 14 - next to his attorney, Carlos Horacio Meira. Today
continue discussions with a witness via teleconference and afternoon, is expected to suit, by Dr. Cesare Sivo, then speak to present its case.
"We were all in danger"
Mario Miguel Magliaro is 60, is an actor and still lives in the house she shared with her sister in the city of La Plata. Yesterday was the first of the witnesses who gave testimony before the Federal Court 1 in the trial being heard the murder of his sister Delphine Analía Magliaro.
Sitting in the middle of the room replied, first, to questions asked by the prosecution.
According to his memories, May 19, 1976 Magliaro was kidnapped along with a friend, Graciela De la Torre of the family home squeak, a couple of friends who lived five blocks away. The operation, run by people in civilian clothes, was carried out in middle of the night, so only in the morning the families of the girls got to know what happened. Mario
recalled that it was his mother who immediately took charge of the search for "Lili", "and called on the family Analía. "My mother had to find her daughter and protect me and my brother, because we were all threatened by the mere fact of being young," he said.
In early August, a call to an aunt broke the silence surrounding the disappearance of Magliaro. As Mario told in the so-called stated that her sister was arrested at a police station 34 of the Federal Capital. Relatives were doing there. When meeting with the officer in charge of the department, they confirmed that there was Analía, but as being in solitary confinement, could not see it. Yet another could bring you food and clothing. The family distress again take over the scene when, about a week later, on another visit to the station 34, the mother knew her daughter Analía was not there and had been taken by Army personnel. In the book of the time where they settled the movements of the station containing the name of a captain credited with signing the withdrawal of the arrest of the place. That was Edward Berazay military.
In vain did the intense journey made by the relatives of Magliaro to try to learn something about the situation of the missing girl. Police stations, churches, embassies and the attempt of a meeting with then-governor controller of the province of Buenos Aires, Ibérico Saint Jean, were unsuccessful.
Mario's story on the events 30 years ago became vivid each time you filled the memory of his sister. The toughest stretch of his statement came when he had to refer to September 20, 1976. That was the day he received in his home of 72 between 6 and 7 of La Plata the message you least expect, yet predictable. They had 72 hours to remove the body of Analía, supposedly killed in a gun battle with the forces of repression.
An error in the data where they should be sent to recover the remains of the girl led the brothers to turn back Analía by different police stations until they were able to determine that the body was in Mar del Plata under the tutelage of the fourth police station .
There were greeted by police named by Asad (today is deceased) who showed them some kind of record where there were photos Analía dead. "She was dressed in clothing that was not hers and looked very skinny," recalled Mario. Later, he and his brother John and a slogan police went to Cemetery Hill where they had to identify the body.
"I was very hurt, he had bruises in the area of \u200b\u200bthe breasts and burners in the armpits. Also had marks on her mouth and eyes, glue, such as Band-Aids left, "explained Mario in a broken voice. Analía's body was listed as NN and had at least two bullet holes, one in the groin and the other in the chest.
Mario said his sister and De la Torre had an incipient militancy Policy grouping Obrera. Moreover, by the mouth of De la Torre, who was set by executive, knew that both were captive in the secret detention center where they were brutally tortured Vesuvius.
In turn, the representative of the complaint, Mario asked to recall what his sister: "I was young, caring, loyal to his friends, with people, with their ideology. A person with character and with a clear position in this world and the country in which he lived. It was a good person. "
For his part, Juan Alberto Magliaro, 63, Analía brother also reaffirmed his words the facts narrated by Mario.
A After the story of John Magliaro, it was the turn of events as Roberto hear squeaking, 70, owner of the house where she was kidnapped Analía. The story was at all coincident with that expressed by the relatives of the victim. Regarding the relationship to why Magliaro happened that night at home, squeak said that was normal as well as Analía Gabriela De La Torre were friends of his wife and that, despite not attending the same college, shared some courses. Regarding the operating
, squeak said that at least 20 people were admitted to his house that morning and violently interrogated the two girls in the kitchen. The recurring question was whether they knew "the big head", the nickname by which the groom called De La Torre.
Roberto Eduardo is 69 years old and is a kind of collector of paper a little embarrassing. Saves including substantiating the different movements made during the last military dictatorship as a member of the Military Police 101. "The only thing is I have no Menem, but I keep the governor of Mendoza, Martinez Baca and the Magliaro" he said. This role
delivery notes Analía Magliaro to 601 Air Defense Group based in Mar del Plata. The firm that signs that delivery is charged Rezett Valentin Fortunato. Beneath his name, also has the symbol S2, which identifies him as a member of the Intelligence Section.
Berazay During his testimony did not hesitate to certify that it was he who retired from the police station Magliaro 34 of the Federal Capital and then a flight of about 3 hours left in the ADA 601, then headed by Colonel Peter Barda.
"The only friendly face in the place I found was that of then Captain Rezett. I found it strange to see an infant in an artillery unit, "he recalled.
also recalled that Analía Berazay Magliaro was in "good condition" health when the police withdrew from the 34 and so gave the GADA.
"I do not know the reasons for the move and why he was arrested, my order was delivered to the prisoner, and I did. The oral order was clear and was not unworthy, that's why I turned, "he recalled in different sections of your return.
In conclusion, the retired officer does not hesitate to ask what was their status in relation to restrictions of freedom. The Chief looked at him and said his statement had concluded and he could go home. Murmur in the room expressed: "for now."
By John Carra
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