Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Southern Slang Sayings In 1930's
Rezett Retired Colonel Valentin is charged with the murder of Delfina Analía Magliaro, kidnapped in La Plata and completed in a conflict setting in this city

Retired Colonel Valentin Fortunato Rezett be tried for crimes against humanity committed during the civil-military dictatorship from today (Wednesday 16) at 9 pm, at the Federal Court 1. Is accused of murder of the student killed platense Analía Delfina Magliaro August and September 1976 in this city.
On August 4, 1976, was captain Rezett and was on duty at the Group Air Defense Artillery (GADA 601) under the command of Colonel Peter Barda. That day he received from the master member of the 101 Military Police, Eduardo Berazay Analia Magliaro who was kidnapped in La Plata two months earlier and had gone through several clandestine detention centers.
In November 2008, during the trial of Peter Barda for the murder of Magliaro, Berazay testified before the Federal Court judges 5 (TOF 5) Federal Capital, which he handed to the student, he signed a receipt Rezzet. He then gave the document to the court. Felix Crous
prosecutor requested the allocation of Rezet and later Judge Alejandro Castellanos, the Federal Court No. 1 of this city, called for questioning the then army captain.
In his statement, Rezett Barda said the colonel had been assigned to "administrative duties" and who was also "shift manager" of the group. With respect to Magliaro said he got to the abducted and when asked Berazay receipt, went to see "Lieutenant Colonel Costa, who internalized what happened." Coast "will order the certificate and sign it, so from the area of \u200b\u200bintelligence." Rezett recognized his signature on paper. In April last year, Castellanos indicted him for the murder of the student from La Plata and dictated the arrest. Until 2005, the defendant had been a professor in the Masters in Strategic Intelligence from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata
The debate for the crime of Magliaro will last until Friday and will be headed by Roberto Atilio judges Falcone, Mario Alberto Portela and Martin Bava. Daniel Adler The prosecutor represents the public prosecutor and the lawyer C. Sivo Magliaro family sponsors. The military is defended by Horacio Rezett Meiras. It is estimated that pass through the stage about ten witnesses, including Eduardo Berazay. Analía
Magliaro was kidnapped on 19 May 1976 in a house at 600 67th Street in La Plata, next to Graciela de la Torre and Roberto squeak, fellow of the Social Communication course.
De la Torre was with Analía during his captivity in the fifth station (5 °) from La Plata and Vesuvius. In his statement to the FOC 5 said that the first interrogation was in the kitchen while playing the guitar and that rape was a constant threat. His captors gave him a choice between the prod and rape. On July 16 they were separated. A Analía took her to the station 34 of the Federal Capital where he remained until its final destination in Mar del Plata.
On August 4, Berazay went to look. At first, police refused to deliver to the student. After several calls, the Military Police Captain may be Analía, but not before signing the register of detainees from the police station. He said it gave no handcuffs, no bandages and moved on their own despite torture.
That same day, Magliaro was taken to the airport and posted to a military plane Sesno. After two hours, the spacecraft landed on the dirt track of GADA 601. Berazay handed the captain Rezett student, who gave in return a receipt with your signature and clarification "AGR ADA S2 Cap 601", which clarified his military rank (captain), the acronym that stands for intelligence division (S2) and the destination, the group commanded by Barda. Showdown set
first thing Analía parents knew was that her daughter was being held at the station 34 of the Federal Capital. So there were clothes and food, but could not see it. They knew he was there because the officer who attended spoke of family illness, information that only could have known Analía. Juan Alberto
Magliaro, is the brother of Analia and Barda in the trial said that the September 21, 1976 two police vehicles arrived at his home. They received a note saying that Analía was dead and had 48 hours to remove the body that was in Mar del Plata.
Juan Alberto traveled that night with his other brother. In the fourth police station interviewed an officer who took them to the cemetery of the Loma to identify the body. They said they had been shot in a clash with security forces. Analía
had burns on the wrists and ankles, had three shots in the chest, abdomen and lower areas. Wearing clothes several sizes larger than yours and had a orange scarf tied around his neck. The brothers took the body to La Plata, where he was buried on September 24, 1976.
Hearings are Wednesday, Thursday testimonials. Friday Allegations
By Federico Desántolo
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