handmade Those who started to develop national goat cheese, are now become the makers of products that fill shelves across the country.
Fortunately for the faithful throughout the country have emerged who are committed to developing these delicacies with local label. All are convinced delivery. And they have succeeded in these cheeses are not only in the restaurant tables. In addition, they are already part of everyday recipes.
Rosanna Di Turi rdituri@el-nacional.com Photo Marcel Cifuentes marcelcifuentes@gmail.com

There is a particular wonder when someone decides to work to develop goat cheeses. Is chosen as a destination.
Those who have assumed with total commitment and watch how it changes their lives forever. What is best for the rest, with the same fertility goats have multiplied in Venezuela who have opted for these delicacies.
now are those chosen by the spell that requires delivery of total commitment.
five years ago, Marianela Garcia and Elisa Grimaldi made his debut with determination into a new existence. They, coming from high-wage recurrent passport and travel requirements were transnational in which engineers, gave a blow to the table and went by bus to Quíbor in Lara, knocking on doors to see who sold them to produce milk goat cheese. Suffice it to say that the change of direction was reckless but coldly calculated. "We realized there was a niche for goat cheese. Those who were sold on the shelves were imported and very expensive." So they went to California, toured cheese plants, sought examples in France and was advised to experts. They made their business plan and put on rubber shoes to walk the barren stretch of longing, with a north on the road. "Many Venezuelans were not accustomed to strong flavor of goat cheese. We decided to make a fresh, soft in texture and acidity."
With all that cathedral of certainty, arrived at Quíbor. And nobody wanted to sell milk. Until a producer took pity and decided to give them milking a day of his goats. This gesture of confidence began enduring bond. Five years later, Ananke cheeses are more than 130 shelves in Caracas alone. They have 30 producers, who have grown up with them and bring them milk, 365 days a year. And now prepare eight tons of cheese a month.
himself distributing themselves. Life gave them the money they sought. No wonder, his baptism: "Ananke is a Greek word that means the primary force that defines a destiny," he explained them.
That itself is not an easy love, if that it exists. "Here there is not that romantic thing to have kids, and make quesito. If you ask me, I say I'm sick, "says José María, from his infinite nobility and still enduring the stress of the Argentine pampas. His wife, Eva Gueron, leaving the way, from a shielded love for him and his cheese." I love my kids. It is not easy, true, but brings many satisfactions. "They, in 1996, began by trial and error to make some cheese in the most notorious Caracas restaurants served with name and surname. Goat cheeses are Joseph Mary, because he took the challenge to provide and prepare it because of its 200 milk goats Turgua. "I wanted to make cheeses that did not money to buy, "says the retired teacher. And here emerges another achievement. They made plans or sketches. purchased two pots and use a second refrigerator in the King of Corot to start. And dove into the challenge." We started cheeses with very elementary to me and he seemed fine, horrible, "says Eva. And gradually he found the formula. First of fresh cheese, soft and very white, noble as the best of intentions. After a feta, more elaborate , who reminded him that once tried in a Greek restaurant in the U.S. and is anchored in your memory forever taste. And in that way, was trying new challenges with the appetite of those delivered.
"I wanted to things more interesting. Fresh cheeses forgive you much: they are very tolerant. "So he decided to go for the semi-ripened. In their right hands began to emerge with a unique personality cheeses, like Camembert style, and named himself as Pyramid or Tepuy.
And they have achieved
came not only from local chefs and diners, also applauded Gauls, teachers ripened cheeses.
"The French embassy is one of our major customers. They love ". The wonder is intact, a few goats Turgua, some homemade and absolutely dedications artisanal cheeses appear capable of achieving a major exaltation." They're made with milk and magic, "says José Mary.
Reproduction of cheeses. While these passions will grow, the taste for goat cheese produced in the country, has spread. First the tables of restaurants. Now, at family dinner tables. Both the girls of Ananke, receive in their everyday recipes Twitter will send customers their own. "To think that when we started people did not want to try them because they said they knew a kid," recalls Garcia Marianela. Sonia Melendez, the creator of cheese Las Cumbres, shares that certainty.
"People do not understand the slightly acidic taste." And these two initiatives, each in its style, have opted for fresh cheese with flavors that seduce built: basil, pepper and honey and nuts if Ananke, who have six different. Tomato dry, ash or red pepper marmalade are among the 16 varieties of Las Cumbres.
trends do not occur by spontaneous generation. There is always someone who starts a crusade with the passion of the convinced. Carlos Ignacio Perez, from the tenacity of its 77 years, tells how, three decades ago, started to go for a cheese that caught the attention of the Academy of Gastronomy and restaurants most exalted of the moment, as the Gazebo. His creations acquired own name: Ignacio cheeses Carlos Perez, and took the French style tables, achieved through genetic purity goats brought from the United States had in Carrizalito near Los Teques. It started, like everyone, "bouncing" many milk and came to an unexpected finding. "Unknowingly, I afrancesados \u200b\u200bcheese in his style," who for decades has devoted himself to his craft, temporarily took over this year Macanao, Margarita. And although he made that effort, now set to develop further with his son, also maker of goat cheese Caruao.
In another time and different place in the country, Sonia Melendez came to the same discovery. In the San Cristobal ranch started making cheese, by trial and error, as these pioneers have begun. "I had gotten into this as many Venezuelans do those things without thinking. I let the curd from one day to the other and noticed it was different." And voila, arrived not knowing a French-style goat cheese. In finding that 23 years have passed. Now, cheeses The Summits are a reference on any shelf. Getting there was a long journey. Carora went to where they remained for eight years and began a new learning: Buy milk from other producers. One issue that merits discipline.
"We learned to drive a milk that was not controlled by us. Now they are more professional, better management," he says as he reached 1,200 liters of milk that transforms into 16 types of cheese.
Some have taken up the challenge from the same goats. Margarita takes place in one of those efforts. Amilcar Perez Hidalgo and caraway seeds reached the island to try a new version of its fate. They came from Los Roques, where they have a yacht who run for tourists looking for a stretch of land with wide horizons.
in the greenery of San Sebastian, they got it and wondered why not have goats. Today they have 200, and play a cycle from the growing food for themselves, to prepare daily fresh goat cheese margariteño offering the best restaurants on the island.
To get there, they traveled to France, toured the countryside in search of recipes, learn about goats and fell in love with this life forever. "There is a commitment to animals.
I fell in love with the goats. I scrubbed me," says Hill who makes fresh cheese, noble and-white daily. "In this there is first of January or December 24. The goats must be milked every day," he recalls. The real commitments are days off. And luckily now that cheese is played in different recipes in restaurants of the island and stuffed dates wrapped in bacon Da Luciano. In prawns cheese clouds Caranta House.
O desserts like chocolate of Piñonate goat cheese Mondeque. The best cross are multiplying in good news.
Source: Revista Todo en Domingo
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