little more than an hour it took the complainant's family lawyer Magliaro, Cesar Sivo substantiate the request for sentence for the retired Army Colonel Fortunato Rezett: life imprisonment to effectively implement common jail, and perpetuates total disqualification and dismissal Argentine Army for the killing of Analía Magliaro, killed in a clash set in September 1976.
With a courtroom with little groups, about 18, Sivo began his allegation. The first thing he said is that if Analía Magliaro is a feature that explains and naked all the repressive system that operated during the civilian-military dictatorship.
first demonstrated the interrelatedness of the Armed Forces, but also the security forces and the judiciary in the enforcement system. The lawsuit understood that the itinerary of the student from La Plata is an example of that. Analía
Magliaro was kidnapped by a group of people dressed in civilian and dependent on the First Army Corps. Was housed in "Vesuvius," a clandestine detention center (CCD) in which they fulfilled members of the Federal Penitentiary Service. She was then transferred to the station 34 of the Federal Capital. In its transfer to GADA 601, Military Police intervened and Air Force aircraft. All indicates that he was killed by army and body-found in the north of this city, became available to the fourth police station. Finally neither the federal nor provincial justice proceedings conducted before the appearance of a woman shot dead with signs of torture, in the middle of the street. Magliaro
The case also highlights the ultimate goal of the systematic repression, "kidnapping, torture and elimination of those who were considered enemies." To the complaint is ample evidence showing that Analía was kidnapped from a friend's house on May 19, 1976.
unknowingly then was housed in a CCD where he remained handcuffed, blindfolded and malnourished in a basement for two months. There he was interrogated under torture to tears. Various testimonies realize that Vesuvius is put into practice the most heinous torture against women. "They disposed of the body of the victim to torture her and then the corpse to make it disappear at sea or kill in a match set and then buried in a mass grave," he said.
However, for the complaint, Rezzet was no stranger to everything that happened to Magliaro. Not only was he who signed the receipt that proves that the student was in custody in Mar del Plata but was a fundamental part of the extermination plan. According
Sivo, the Army was primary responsibility in the repressive apparatus from March 24, 1976. The country was divided into sub-office. In turn, each sub heading repression in that region. Here was the Military Subzone XV. Led by retired Colonel Peter Barda, tried and convicted in 2008 for the crime of Magliaro.
Rezett was a member of the staff of military subarea XV was an intelligence officer and the head of "Section Detainees" within that structure. So he received the student when the military police captain, Roberto Berazay gave the abduction in the GADA 601. The receipt gave Rezett is very clear. There are his signature, grade, section and destination.
As in many other trials, Sivo had to support the repeal of the house arrest of the accused and order of ordinary prison if convicted. The lawyer was sent to other countries to exemplify. He said that Argentina is the only country on earth that allows criminals that threaten humanity serve sentences in their homes by the mere fact of having more than 70 years. He cited the trials in the former Yugoslavia where the 8500 criminal trial are in prison. "In the rest of the world under house arrest for crimes against humanity is not a massed possible," Sivo said.
Finally, he explained that effective justice preached by the judges will not accept anything other than jail for offenders and closed with the words Mom used to say Analía: "That the judge and whether they are guilty than condemn them, complying with the sentence"
Insult under his
Rezett stood still almost the entire audience.
But everything changed when Sivo brought up the curriculum of the accused. Valentine was convicted Fortunato Rezzet for their participation in the events of Easter 1988 when a group of military carapintadas rose against democracy. Then the military justice was acquitted in the same way that acquitted all the genocidal dictatorship.
The discomfort of the accused turned to fury when the plaintiff attorney mentioned his participation as an intelligence officer in the "Operation Independence." Was heard under his mouth and Rezzet "this son of a bitch", wiping the perspiration from his forehead. The defense attorney had to silence his client, without attracting attention. The court seemed not to hear, but the insult came to the attention of the charge continued his speech as if nothing had happened.
The most abhorrent torture
Magliaro was abducted Analía Graciela de la Torre, a fellow of the Faculty of Education. But that same night of May 19, 1976. In a house in Los Hornos, Alicia Carriquiriborde also abducted. The three were friends and shared captivity in hell "Vesuvius"
Alicia lived in Mexico since his captors released her. Monday, via video conference, said from Mexico City in Mexico.
appeared on the screen after several attempts because the connection cortaba de a ratos. Estaba acompañada por el cónsul argentino en el D.F. Mario Magliaro –hermano de Analía-, que la conoce desde aquellos años de terror, la vio avejentada.
La declaración no se extendió mucho. Alicia contó que estuvo con Analía durante dos meses en el sótano de “El Vesubio”. Recordó que Analía era interrogada bajo tortura todos los días. No podía hablar con ella, pero sabía que estaba allí. Analía, Graciela y Alicia eran las únicas tres mujeres en el sótano.
Alicia recordó que con ellas había un grupo de adolescentes de entre 17 y 18 años que decían ser estudiantes del colegio Nacional Buenos Aires. Esos chicos al igual Analía several times that they were interrogated by a group of men who came from elsewhere. They were torturers "Vesuvius". Alicia
, Analía Graciela and taken on the same day. Divided them in different police stations. Alicia and Grace were reunited in the Devoto prison. And there they learned that Analía had been killed. Alicia spent 20 months in detention and was then released under supervision. In 1982 he traveled to Mexico where he was waiting for her husband and children.
In his plea, the lawyer Cesar Sivo Alice took up the words to refer to the sufferings of Analía. He recalled that the witness said the tortured every day. He also said that in the case criminal on "Vesuvius" is proved that in the clandestine detention center, women were systematically raped.
also quoted a survivor of the inferno that was that once the torturers caught a guinea pigs and imitated a Nazi torture method: I put the rodent between women's legs staked in the torture table. Until humanity down there in that place and so many others during the years when men like Rezett had all the power in this country.
By Federico Desántolo
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