This idea belongs to the Danish student Julian Hansen, the Danish School of Media and Journalism of Copenhagen, and it's great.
Through computer graphics can establish a set of guidelines to follow when choosing a typeface. This powerful guide to choosing the right font for every situation worldly Hansen shot up after attending a course in graphic design in Krabbesholm Hojskole in 2007. There brandishing his teacher views the heavens marks as philosophical maxims, to which the student could not respond with the same passion, and that their knowledge was very limited.
After seeing the movie Helvetica in class, Hansen did not think more and decided to study the differences and similarities between Helvetica and Arial. They begin their long journey that led him to embrace the font families almost as apostles of a new religion. Today, the poster-guide So You Need A Typeface as shown outlined and font related blog boasts of serious, but nobody talked to him. And guess what Latin blog will be the first to speak with Hansen on this?
So this Wednesday, the exclusive, visually introduces you to the creative genius of Typeface, with a captive confessions. 10 questions that have no waste. He will also comment on the Comic Sans.
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