goes to trial

military Ten and a civilian were seated in the dock. Two other suspects were killed and a third has a degenerative mental disease.
Alejandro Castellanos federal judge lifted a trial investigating the cause of crimes against humanity committed in " Cave ", the clandestine center of detention (CCD) that ran in the local Air Force Base. The trial that will be nine soldiers and a civilian sitting in the dock could begin in the second half of next year. In the case
contained thirteen accused, including members of the Army, Air Force and civilians who made up the task forces of state repression. A trial will only come so far, ten. The lawyer and former member of the CNU Eduardo Cincotta, who is charged with the necessary participation in the illegal deprivation of liberty mediate aggravated by violence, imposition of aggravated torture having been committed against the politically persecuted and doubly aggravated murder and malice aforethought, died in October 2009 after spending a year in jail.
For his part, retired colonel Pedro Alberto Barda suffers from a degenerative mental disease that prevents his prosecution. Finally, another defendant, former colonel Roberto Atilio Bocalandro died last September 2, victim of a domestic accident. In CCD
Cave worked in the underground structure of the old radar of the military airbase of Mar del Plata is estimated that about 200 people passed, but the cause Castellanos implemented by the judge he said to only 50 casualties, of which 20 are missing and two-the Jorge Centeno Norberto lawyers and candlestick-were killed.
Ten defendants are accused of illegal deprivation of liberty as collateral by a public official and to mediate violence, use of torture to be aggravated by political persecution and murder premeditated aggravated by the competition of two or more people.
Cave was one of the CCD which operated in the city during the civil-military dictatorship. Operational responsibility was carried out by members of the Air Force and Army. They were housed, among others, lawyers abducted during the infamous "Night of the tie."
Between June and July 1977 were missing nine lawyers. Jorge Neuquén Candeloro was kidnapped with his wife Marta García. The same fate Norberto Centeno lawyers, Thomas Frese and his wife Mercedes Argañaraz-pregnant at the time of his kidnapping, "Salvador thrush, Alais Hugo Raul and Carlos Camilo Ricci Bozzi, the latter two survived. Judge Castellanos
recommendation of the Federal Chamber decided to consider the charge of murder the accused for each of the twenty people who remain missing.
Judicial sources reported that the public trial could begin in the second half of 2011. The tribunal could be composed of judges from La Plata, San Martín Bahía Blanca. Meanwhile
complaints will be represented by lawyers César Sivo, representing the APDH, Gloria León (by Centeno and Alais) and the Human Rights Secretariat of the Nation. Victims
The ten defendants are liable for what happened to the 50 victims who went through "The Cave."
- Candeloro and Norberto Jorge Centeno. Justice determined that they were killed
- Thomas Frese, Mercedes Argañaraz of Frese, Raul Alais, ARESTIN Salvador, Eduardo Martinez Delfino, Roberto Allamanda, Alicia Peralta, Jorge Vazquez Maria Carolina Jacuí Gaitan, Mercedes Lohng, Rubén Darío Rodríguez, Máximo Remigio Fleitas, Jorge Toledo, Juan Roger Peña, Angel Haurie, Frederick William Báez, Luis Domingo Cacciamani, Mirta Gimenez, Héctor Giménez y Rubén Starita remain missing.
- Marta Garcia Candeloro, Carlos Bozzi, Camilo Ricci, Carmen Barrier, Alberto Muñoz, Eduardo Salerno, Alfredo Battaglia, Victor Lencinas Julio, Julio César D'Auro, Eduardo Félix Miranda, Lucy Martin, Demare Luis Alberto, Gustavo Soprano Marcelo López garrote, Guilherme Gomes, Rafael Molina, Luisa Bidegain, Maria Esther Otero, Angel Cirelli, Nestor Fazio, Margaret Ferré, Jorge Porth Tecco María Martínez, Héctor Gómez, Pedro Alejandro Dondas, Pedro Daniel Espino, Pablo Vega and Jorge Medina, survived.
charged repressors:
The aircraft -
Ernesto Alejandro (85). With the degree of Commodore was head of the Air Base from December 1975 to September 1977.
- Jorge Carmen Becci (76). As Vice Commander, was deputy chief of the Air Base and was responsible for Troops Squadron, located 400 meters from "The Cave."
- Sergeant Gregory Rafael Molina (66). According to his file, between '76 and '77 "special circumstances served in the intelligence section of the unit. Convicted in July 2010 to life imprisonment, because Molina.
- The military accused Jorge Luis Toccalino
(77). With the rank of lieutenant colonel, was chief of operations in the GADA 601 since January 1975.
-Eduardo Jorge Blanco (74). It was Lieutenant Colonel when he exercised the subheadquarters of GADA 601 and the head of the Staff.
-Roberto Atilio Bocalandro (78). In the colonel was chief of GADA since December 1976 Died 02/09/2010
-Aldo Charles Maspero (80). With the rank of colonel, was commander of the Air Artillery Association (ADA 601) since 1977.
-Alfredo Manuel Arrillaga (77). With grades of major and lieutenant colonel and served as chief operating functions of the ADA Group 601. Is being tried in the cause-Base Naval 1
Marquiegui Edgard Leandro (81). As a lieutenant colonel was deputy chief of operations until 1976 and Head of Intelligence GADA 601-1979.
-Alberto Pedro Barda. Head of GADA 601 February 76 to November 77. NOT BE JUDGED BY DISEASE
- Nicholas Michael Cafarella (56). Civilian personnel Army. He served in the intelligence service from March 1976 and served as custodian and driver Arrillaga
- Eduardo Cincotta (62). Advocate. belonged to the CNU, died in October 2009
Only repressors Cafarella Gregorio Molina and Nicholas are being held in prison units. The rest has the arrest.
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