(The logo and the concept of TypeDonald's is a creation of The Baruch Norbi )
Before the Seventh University Conference on Information Design, Nov. 10 in Buenos Aires, The Norbi is going to Paraguay. Invited by the Catholic University of Asunción, he will be giving a workshop on computer graphics copyright , where he will try to show that the erudition that attempting to grow to be respected infographics by journalists, has served only to treat your low self-esteem, not encouraged to do real journalism and visual approach people.
As mismatch English infograf Samuel Granados, the newspaper Público, in his next column. "All it takes is a dot over visual literacy in the receiver. Dot the end we will never, if as you say, colleagues and hence there is shelter in the easy and warm you're in the info -to-fasci-cles instead of exploding formulas to see another perspective on things. "
Under the plan, UCA Design Conference 2010, The Norbi designers will be with the likes of Gui Bonsiepe German guru to talk about fonts. The title of his talk, on 7 October, will be "Eating Fonts." He will make a parallel between the use of typography and junk food.
"Many times, designers can not understand what they mean fonts, or to serve, and end up a Big Mac, mixing Sans Serif onion rings in the middle of a more serious story that needs another type of font. swallow If you want to stop junk typography, do not go to TypeDonald's. (The TypeDonald's logo was created by The Norbi)
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