closed the noose around former members of CNU

appears Modesto Gustavo Demarchi, recognized local lawyer who served as U.S. Attorney at the time and who ran as a candidate for mayor by Justcialista Party in 1983.
According to a senior judicial source, it raided the homes of Gustavo Demarchi and Piero Asaro, as well as library ownership of the latter.
The arrest warrant was issued by Pradas on Tuesday, after last week the Federal Court of Appeals had denied the elimination of any prison by some of the accused. According
could be determined, of the seven wanted, two of them would be hidden in Mar del Plata. It is also the former prosecutor Demarchi, the local bookseller known businessman Piero Asaro, who was President of the Southeast Book Chamber of the Province of Buenos Aires. Note that in regard to rumors that Demarchi would be out of the country, from the investigation confirmed that the border posts denied this.
For his part, Fernando Otero, who was convicted in 1975 for the murder of national deputy for San Juan, Ramón Rojas, has not been located by investigators.
Regarding Patricio Fernández "El Manco" Rivero-then head of the CNU-national would be sought in the province of Cordoba, while Mario Durquet was not found in any of the three raids in La Plata. Raul and Raul Viglizzo Moleon, were searched in several homes. Special cases are
Fernando Delgado and Eduardo Federico Salvador Ullúa, both remain fugitives from justice since 2008 when they were charged with crimes against humanity committed during the military dictatorship in the clandestine detention center "The Cave", which operated at the Air Base Mar del Plata.
The first attorney Ullúa history dates back to December 1971 when he was involved in the crime of architecture student Silvia Filler. Democracy was sentenced to prison for the cause of drug known as "Operation Shrimp." In prison he became a lawyer and once worked for the union free wine de Mendoza. His last legal address contained in that province.
The seven sought are suspected of "murder by the concurrence of two or more participants" and in fact against him is proven that they acted in collaboration with members of the CNU of La Plata and the Triple A.
addition, in the order of investigation carried out over a year ago by the then Attorney William Pérès Adrian explains that "The record can move in with the case said, with the insecurity inherent in this instance procedural, Ernesto Piantoni, Edward Cincotta Gustavo Demarchi, Viglizzo Raúl, Juan Carlos Gomez, Carlos González, Eduardo Salvador Ullúa, Daniel Ullúa, Oscar Corres, Mario Durquet, Marcelo Arenaza, Beatriz Arenaza, Fernando Delgado, José Luis Piatti, Nicolás Caffarello, Piero Asaro, Juan Carlos Asaro, Jose Luis Bulk, Roberto Coronel, Roberto Justel, Ricardo Oliveros and Fernando Otero, etc. , formed a conspiracy CNU masked in the group, relying on his active membership in the same or in some cases, a close relationship with that group. " While
adds: "The nominees were grouped with a clear objective to commit crime for a number of illegal indeterminate (from homicide, illegal deprivation of liberty, as well as qualified theft by the use of arms, replacing license plates of vehicles used to commit various acts of political persecution, falsification of documents, document use and / or false credentials, public intimidation, arson, coercion, theft of motor and other unfair) with a clear intention to persecution of leftists. "
Since last Monday Judge Rodolfo Pradas issued a gag order in the case. None of the defendants was found in places that used to frequent.
Outside of the judicial process to be dead, were José Luis Piatti, Josue Catuogno and former intelligence Ricardo Oliveros. Five
past two in the afternoon of March 20, 1975, lawyer Ernesto Piantoni, one of the leaders of the CNU, died at the clinic model. Earlier, on his way to his house aboard his Citroen car was stopped in the street and Guemes Olavarría Formosa between a Peugeot 504. A burst of machine gun left him badly wounded and there was no way to save his life.
The first reports spoke of an attack by Montoneros, but also an internal rumored among members of the Metal Workers Union, which had very good relationship with members of the CNU.
the early hours of March 21, within hours of the funeral Piantoni an armed group formed by people between 24 and 30 broke into the home of 856 Spain Street, revenge for the death Piantoni had begun. Identified themselves as police and made off with all the inhabitants of the house. The "five to one" was underway.
Enrique "Pacho" was the main reference Elizagaray Youth Peronist University (JUP) in Mar del Plata and the son of Carlos Alberto Elizagaray, provincial senator. Hours before his assassination, journalist Juan Gasparini, had warned him to hide in a safe place because they knew there would be retaliation for the crime of Piantoni. "Pacho" thought that the house of his uncles, the family Videla, would be a good hiding.
When the group broke into the house on Spain Street, Elizagaray tried to escape through the roof. Some people went to the balcony and fired their automatic weapons. "Pacho" died instantly.
Jorge Enrique Videla Jorge Yanzi and their children Lisa (22) and William Henry (16) - homeowners, were uploaded to the cars waiting in the street. The only survivor, said that when they took her husband and children heard one of them was injured, then a team member said: "This is hurting, give him another shot."
Videla's bodies were Montemar found at the site, near the airport in Mar del Plata, and recognized by Senator Elizagaray. Jorge Lisandro had 57 bullet wounds, his brother William, 27, and his father Jorge Enrique, 33. Elizagaray, who was killed in the house at Spain, had 23 shots.
As stated in the resolution signed by judges Robert Falcone, Mario Portela and Nestor Parra in 2008, the young "white collar" which reached the family home Videla had left the wake of Piantoni. Ullúa Eduardo, Carlos "Flipper" Gonzalez, Mario Durquet, Gustavo Demarchi, Fernando Delgado, Patricio Fernández Rivero, José Luis Piatti, Raul and Raul Viglizzo Molleón. All members of the CNU came to avenge the death of their leader.
The judges cited the testimony of a witness during the wake of Piantoni José Luis Piatti heard to say "now go to see ... but we are now in the wake little saints." Also saw that in the vicinity of the funeral there were many cars which loomed large weapons. Another statement says
Demarchi and Piatti left the wake of the lawyer and with them was Patricio Fernández Rivero, head of the CNU nationwide. A fourth man may have been Jorge "Polaco" Dubchak member of the Triple A and custody of Miguel Lorenzo. Fernández
Rivero was recognized by another witness that night. The leader of the national CNU had a particular characteristic unmistakable: he suffered a serious accident that cost him his left arm when a car full of weapons he was riding overturned a few blocks from the building where the Social Welfare Ministry in Buenos Aires .
For its part, Dubchak CNU-member of La Plata, was killed after being shot in the facilities when they dared to attack UOM Lorenzo Miguel, who had given him an armored car to Juan Manuel Abal Medina. At the end of the "Polish" there are several versions, the strongest claims he was dismembered and burned in a furnace in the same building as the UOM.
On May 19, 1975, the federal prosecutor Gustavo Demarchi requests the dismissal of a case entitled homicide not find sufficient evidence. Two days later, Judge Gonzalez Etcheverry leads to the prosecutor's request. Bernardo Alberto
Goldemberg The surgeon was another victim of revenge for the death of Piantoni. The same morning of March 21 a group of young people armed with machine guns kidnapped him at his home in 3634 Falucho street in front of his wife. His body was found on the old road to Miramar with 42 bullet wounds. According to the autopsy died of skull burst and destruction of heart, liver and diaphragm. On April 25, Judge Gonzalez Etchevrri Goldemberg temporarily dismisses the case.
"I forgive, do not know what they do"
María del Carmen Maggi is on its knees. Around her, at least six young people with guns pointing. "I forgive, do not know what they do," he says before you hear the stampede. The shootings follow one another without interruption until grilling. One of his killers does not support the scene, Dante and vomiting.
was May 1975. The secretary general of the Catholic University and dean of the Faculty of Humanities had been kidnapped by a group of young people traveling in three cars, a Peugeot 404, a dark Chevrolet 400 and another vehicle who was not identified. With Maipú his home surrounded the 4000 and the threat of shooting his parents, Maria del Carmen, decided to leave. It was 2 am on May 9. A witness to
condition of anonymity said Charles "Flipper" Gonzalez, Eduardo Ullúa, Mario Durquet, Fernando Delgado, José Luis Piatti and Piero Asaro, as perpetrators of violent kidnapping of "Coke." The same respondent acknowledged the only identikit made during the investigation, the face of Carlos Gonzalez.
Her story also revealed that Mario Durquet confessed to killing Maggi.
The murder of Maria del Carmen Maggi bears the stamp of the National Collegiate concentration. The Federal Court took action in the complaint made to the relatives. On June 11, 1975, the Federal prosecutor Gustavo Demarchi Modesto asked the judge to close the investigation. The body of Maria del Carmen had not yet appeared and there were responsible for what happened.
The body of "Coke" Maggie was found, by chance, in the vicinity of the Laguna de Mar Chiquita, a day before the 1976 military coup. It is at this point, once again demonstrates the link between the federal courts and in particular the then Attorney Demarchi with the crimes of the CNU. Unusually neither the judge nor the prosecutor believed desirable to reopen the case Maggi appeared once the body.
Other crimes
* April 25, 1975. On Edison Avenue, about three miles from Mario Bravo, Peugeot 504 was found completely burned gray. In the backseat was the burned body of a public accountant Daniel Gasparri. A few feet away, lay the body of Jorge Alberto Stoppani with numerous gunshot wounds. Responsible: Carlos "Flipper" Gonzalez, Mario Durquet, Eduardo Ullúa, Fernando Delgado, José Luis Piatti and Fernando Otero.
* June 5, 1975. The body of Professor Robert Sanmartino was found in Columbus and 202 with 30 bullets. Earlier, was abducted in front of the School of Psychology. A month and a half later, the prosecutor closed and dismissed the case.
* June 12, 1975. The architect Victor Hugo Kein and student Jorge Osmar Dell Arco were abducted Rivadavia studio in 2600. Within hours, the streets 78 and 192 are Kein found dead with 15 bullet wounds. His hands were tied and blindfolded. On Route 226, kilometer to 7, was found dead by Dell Arco six shots. His body was semiquemado and his hands tied.
* February 14, 1976. At 2.30 was abducted from his home located in France in 1700, Robert Alexander Wilson. His wife was able to recognize two of them, but in the fourth sectional identikits never showed. Wilson, along with a group of workers in the San Telmo refrigerator, took out a labor complaint.
* March 13, 1976. Juan Manuel Horacio Crespo was shot dead in motorcycle repair shop in Moreno to 3800, when he tried to resist being kidnapped. His murderers, who were traveling in a blue Ford Falcon, retraced their steps, fired back and killed Emilio Azorín, who was also in place.
* March 15, 1976. Near the 19, and Ricardo Guillermo Nisembaum Leventi, who moved aboard a Citroen, was intercepted at San Luis and Alberti by a blue Ford Falcon. Attempted huir. Sin embargo Leventi fue alcanzado, ofreció desesperada resistencia y corrió hasta un terreno baldío. Se oyó un disparo, y un tiro de una Itaka impactó sobre la espalda de Leventi. Salvó su vida de milagro. Para la Justicia fue sólo “abuso de armas y lesiones leves.
Por A.N./C.La.
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