Friday, May 28, 2010
Fish Mox Dosage For Humans

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Good Stocking Stuffers For Men/husband
Therefore, the appearance of a cover story on the musician's death was a lack of internal filter in the daily Clarin. Communication from the diary was typical for this time that the daily lives, as not out in any of the recent public statements multimedia group. So much so that it appeared that those responsible for this "false cap" as they call it, had been members of the national government itself, with which they are really at odds.
Many Latin American digital media echoed the cover, without distinguishing whether it was ready for some real or kirschnerista plant. Again, the answer about the truth of information was in the simple action of asking those involved. Because
official clarification of the newspaper was actually darker truth Visually did it again: he asked.
No one had the intention of finding out if the cover Clarin, with the photograph of a Gustavo Cerati Lezano Nora took him to the old disk (Here we go), had left the very wording. The answer was, more or less in the fonts used in the home. Gustavo Lovalvo, art director of the Clarin newspaper, spoke with us and was a key detail that would have served as a clarification, instead of the official release day. "The Whitney you used is standard (Clarín uses its own version)."
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Bible Verses To Congratulate People
were few who dared to confess his special affection for this family, but visually it goes directly to light. The campaign grew with the support of art directors, printers, journalists and Democratic politicians to African Americans.
The art director of the Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, Fabio Marra, showed us several supplements with Cooper, while Pedro Pérez Cuadrado English professor at the University Rey Juan Carlos, described how this font was located at the origin of the English newspaper El Pais. And speaking of English newspapers can not forget the ultimate gift that has made us the great Rodrigo Sanchez, with latest cover its supplement to El Mundo, Metropolis.
And we were not at all wrong when we pointed to the letterpress as the ideal medium for the future of visual communication. We show, recently, as the Cooper Black gives identity to the campaign ultimately more important than doing the daily Clarín, for the World Cup.
This week, the advertising agency JWT Argentina-GLUE's launched a mega campaign for its product more competitive, Ford Ka car. With a very powerful concept, the brand presents a model created especially for young people who want to realize the dream of their own mobility and achieve more independence under the slogan "Ford Ka. Welcome to your first car." And guess how typography is taking forward this campaign which focuses on young people?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
What Does Paddle Attachment Do
are three elected positions to locate Accona Durex condoms. Made entirely with words that say what is happening at that moment in each of the protagonists, while describing the parts of their bodies engaged in the task.
striking thing about this whole campaign is not so much the concept, clear and strong, but the support on which rests the communication, typography. In 1910, Morris Fuller Benton created for American Type Founders typeface called a family
Hobo Std, chosen for the campaign. There are few designers who have encouraged this Art Nouveau. And less to show fellatio.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Scorpio Not Interested

Hearings Schedule
The hearings are public, to clear : over 18 years, with Documents (LE-DNI). to be 30min. before the hearings. accompanies the witnesses, in these days-
May 6 Thursday
At 9 am . Home
At 15 pm. private testimony
May 7 Friday
At 9 am. private testimony
At 15 pm . 3 testimonials
Wednesday May 12
at 9am. 3 testimonies
At 15 pm . 4 testimony
May 13 Thursday
At 9 am three testimonies
At 15 testimony hs.4
Friday May 14
At 9 hs.3 testimony
At 15 hs.3 testimony
Wednesday May 19
At 9 am . 3 testimonies
At 15 pm. 4 testimony
Thursday May 20
At 9 am . 3 testimonies
At 15hs.3 testimony
Lack set date of inspection also eye to CCD, "The Cave"
Segui summary of the daily hearings http://juiciomolina.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
When I Drink My Leg Hurts
(Modelia Carlos Fabián Camargo Guerrero (Colombia))
We are presenting the new edition of Tipos Latinos. in exclusive designer Osvaldo Olivera Paraguayan tell us what they plan to do in Asuncion, Tuesday, 11 May, with the Fourth Biennial of Typography Tipos Latinos based Paraguay. Then the entire program, with the parallel activities: Full program
Wednesday May 12 18:30
Sarakanda: A typeface for dyslexic children.
Sanabria Alejandro Valdez (Paraguay) 20:00
Other sources: the font from the genus Griselda
Fresler (Argentina)
Thursday, May 13 18:30
typography and editorial design
Pilar Cano (Spain) 20:00 pm
design information
Pancho Galvez Pizarro (Chile)
(Petra Caro Fernando De Moraes (Brazil))
Workshops Workshops are free of charge with quotas 30 people (except Graffiti Workshop which requires the acquisition of materials needed to participate.) To register please send an email to info@tipografiaparaguay.org indicating full name, ID number, workshop to participate and telephone for confirmation. Workshop
Pilar Cano
12 to May 14 from 9:30 to 12:00. in CCEJS, Practical Workshop on Programming OpenType format fonts.
laptop is required for software installation and preferably a typo in project development.
calligraphic techniques workshop for beginners with Pancho Galvez Pizarro
11 to May 13 from 15:00 to 17:00 at the Catholic University of Asuncion
A pilot workshop for beginners with the aim of highlighting the relationship between calligraphy and typography.
(Alejandro Paul Seed (Argentina) ( Quintas University Conference on Information Design )
Design Research Griselda
Fresler 12 to May 14 15:00 to 17:00 hours in the Columbia University
theoretical tools for design research aimed at building an inclusive discourse. Highly recommended for students in the process of Final Project. Graffiti Workshop
102 - Lettering with Lucas Montania Oz Mendoza, Kast and Martin Esquivel
15 and May 22 in Yuki Comic Store (theoretical) and downtown (practical) from 14:00 to 18:00
(Victorine John Moore (Venezuela))
Tipos Latinos Paraguay supports the practical workshop and graffiti lettering, with application in a building downtown. A journey through the expressive power of the lyrics. To participate, it is necessary to purchase a kit, the cost will be announced shortly. Inscriptions to 0971 318902 yukiandrea@gmail.com and
Guided tours will be conducted to the sample, so as to give context to the selected projects and learn the history of the Biennale. They are aimed at schools offering the bachelor's degree in design. To arrange a tour please write to info@tipografiaparaguay.org.
Monday, May 3, 2010
I Had My Period Why Is My Cervical Fluid Pink
1) try not to repeat too much, but for times when you need a neutral and effective, I like to pull the Akkurat, because it is capable of living in many contexts without taking ownership to other aspects of design .
2) Similarly, I have no favorite type. For name one, I like Phaedra, since it has a very complete family and all its variants seem good (from the Display Serif). Perfect for solving a complex project with a single font family.
3) Do not hate any, in any case ignored. And in general ignores the poor.
(English magazine skate director UNO)
Images Of Gold Desert Eagle
That typography:
1) you have? (Why?)
Those with a high x box. Because working in editorial, which is what we mainly do, I solve a performance issue (the more text in the same space) and are compact and strong. Families many, too, because with one type resolve all situations I posed a complex publication.
Corpid, Luke deGroot. A Dutchman who is an incredible plant sources.
Ronnia, Veronika Burian and José Scaglione. They have a very interesting production. Stag
by Christian Schwartz. The same source was used by the UK Guardian newspaper since its last redesign.
Clan, Lukasz Dziedzic.
2) prefer? (Why?)
I'm attracted to Sans Serif, the Egyptian, the heavy. I found
fancy fonts, many free, that there is a little odd that I love
and expect to use your chance to get into the ring. VAL
font of Fontfabric. FILE
font, also Fontfabric. Http://fontfabric.com/?p=713
Big Boned, Osaka Network. Http://www.flickr.com/photos/networkosaka/3147180088/
3) you hate? (Why?)
Well, hate, hate what is said, not hate, say that the format with indifference. Sources
Stempel Garamond as the Times, Optima, FontExplorer sleep in the sleep of oblivion.
No fonts that are not noble, I just think that fonts are like songs
carry the perfume of the time it was created, the spirit of his time.
I like to think that the sources I use are the result of having been
a fortunate encounter between tradition we inherit and the time in which we live. (Argentine Designer)
Syphilis Chancre, Does It Pop Like A Zit
What font:
1) Do you use frequently? (Why?)
The Utopia is very recurrent and versatile editorial design but I like to use Egyptian fonts also seem to me very curious. Of course, when I can (or leave me) do not hesitate to use the Cooper Black.
2) Do you prefer? (Why what?)
prefer fonts with auction. The Egyptian and Roman, I seem easy to work. Although I've always tried to keep my palette of fonts is not reduced to those I work with ease. Little letters! How much is learned.
3) Do you hate? (Why?)
not hate any typeface. They are not to blame for their misuse. For example, all children have the font Comic Sans Estate, which all should be demonized. The fonts do not hate, misused. A Mexican can dress like it or not, but plays a role. The same goes for fonts. (English designer)