Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Long Does Your Cervix Stay High After O

beach few days while awaiting trial on
military Four convicted of crimes against humanity in the city of Bahía Blanca, which have legal authorization to travel and enjoy Summer in the city

The Oral Criminal Tribunal Federal de Bahia Blanca did not accept the invitation made by the Special Prosecution Unit to advance the fair judicial order to advance all that is necessary to set a date for trial of the causes "04/07" and "05/07" for crimes against humanity committed by army and navy during the last dictatorship civil-military. However, fixed in a jiffy give four of the defendants permission for them to enjoy a holiday on the beaches of Mar del Plata.
bahiense The federal court should have determined before year-end dates of the trial to judge the crimes committed by the Fifth Corps of the Army and Navy, but despite that the Federal Court of Appeal upheld the processing of each one of the accused, the commencement of trials is still a mystery.
Amid the controversy over the lack of commitment by some judges for doing their jobs and dispense justice, it was learned that some of the defendants who have the release, were authorized to travel to other parts of the country to take a few days vacation. Such is the case of Oscar Castro Ship captains and Payba Hernán Lorenzo, who were in the city in recent days. To join the illustrious visitors, Captain Hugo Mac Gaul and retired Col. Carlos Andres Stricker who enjoy the sun and the beaches of Mar del Plata.
Oscar Castro is 79 years old and between 1975 and 1978 overlaid on the Naval Operation Command based in Puerto Belgrano. Prosecutors of the causes "04/07" and "05/07" claim that in 1976 he commanded the Amphibious Support Force that formed in turn 2 to Task Force responsible for security and intelligence with jurisdiction over buildings , facilities and establishments within the perimeter of the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base including Puerto Rosales Rosales Colonel's party, the Partido area of \u200b\u200bBahía Blanca and the port area of \u200b\u200bIngeniero White, Cuatreros and Galvan. He retired from the Navy in 1980.
El Tribunal Oral Federal Criminal allowed Castro to spend between 12 and 17 December, a few days Vacation stay at the Hotel Antarctica, located in the center of this city
retired Navy Captain Hernán Payba also walked 75, and "La Feliz". Yesterday he left the house on Calle Urquiza to 3400, where he stayed from 23 December.
Payba was arrested on 23 November 2009 more than 20 charges of unlawful deprivation of liberty, more than a dozen cases of use of torture and eight homicides. He was released after paying the bail imposed and now lives in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Mac Gaul would have come to Mar del Plata with the new year and is authorized judicial to stay until 28 February. Occupy an apartment at 2300 Tucuman Street.
retired Navy Captain 83, is charged in the case "04/07." He is considered responsible for the fate of at least 17 political detainees during the civil-military dictatorship. From February 1979 until his retirement he served as chief of the Logistics Group of the Naval General Secretariat in the Office of the President.
The last to arrive and leave will be retired Col. Carlos Andres Stricker. On 10 January should occupy an apartment in Belgrano 2200. There remain until 10 March.
Stricker, 72, is the youngest of four vacationers. Unlike his comrades, is charged in the case "05/07" belonging to the Army and the "04/07" of the Navy.
since December 1974 and two years in a row, Stricker served as deputy chief of the Communications Battalion 181.
As was the case when the retired police commissioner of Mendoza, Eduardo Smaha Borzuk tried summer holidays two years ago in Mar del Plata, Human rights organizations will ask the City Council of General Pueyrredon to declare persona non grata to the four soldiers accused for the crimes perpetrated Bahia Blanca. Smaha
Borzuk served as a member of the Intelligence Service of the Police of Mendoza (D2). They called him "Tigre Acosta de Mendoza" in comparison to the fierce repressor that acted in the ESMA. Is accused of numerous crimes, including their involvement in the disappearance of the poet, journalist and Paco montonero Urondo. In December 2008, justice was authorized to spend a few days in Mar del Plata, but under pressure from human rights organizations, the city council declared him persona non grata and had to suspend repressor beach vacation.
also awarded to:
05/07 Cause authorized by the Federal Court No. 1:
LAWLESS, Alejandro: Villa Gesell (from 26 to 30/12/1910)
MARJANOV, Alejandro Osvaldo: Province of Santiago del Estero (from 26 to 10/27/1910, 30/10/1910 and Cordoba to Buenos Aires from 3 to 11/9/1910)
GANDOLFO, Ricardo Claudio: Mar de las Pampas (from 4 and 5 / 9 / 10 and City of Libertador General San Martin 'Adventist Healthy Living Centre' from 20 to 28/11/1910)
ARROYO, Carlos Alberto: El Calafate (from 28 to 01/11/1910)
STRICKER, Carlos Andrés: Mar del Plata (from 10/01/1911 to 03/10/1911).

Cause 04.07 (NAVY) approved by the Federal Court no. 1
GAUL, Hugo. Mar del Plata (from 01/01/1911 to 02/28/1910)
REED, THEODORE Puerto Madryn (from 12 to 11/25/1910)
MARTIN, Angel Lionel: Cariló (from 10 to 14 / 9 / 10)
CASTRO, Oscar: Mar del Plata (from 12 to 12/17/1910)
PAYBA, Hernán Lorenzo: Mar del Plata (from 23 to 12/28/1910)
PADULA, Carlos Alberto: Miramar (from 02.03.1911 to 03.03.1911)
DE LEON, Enrique: Panama (from 11/30/1910 to 12/16/1910).
LAWLESS, Alejandro: Villa Gesell (from 26 to 12/30/1910)

By Federico


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