About 82 Birthday Simon Diaz, his "pupils" pay tribute remembering television children's program that 25 years ago, shared his side by Simon Answer: The children's program from one generation
by Efrain Castillo August 2010
"Notichamo, notichamo, the best Venezuelan children news", "From hammock to hammock ..."," Boy, give me that 'china '!. " If these phrases sound familiar, you are part of the childishness that between 1985 and 1991, spent evenings Venezolana de TV tuned to meet the "Simon" and "nephews" in one of the representative of the TV programs of the year eighties: Answer by Uncle Simon, show especially aimed at children, created by renowned musician and composer Simon Diaz.

25 years later, the kids then pass different worlds, but all agree that answers by Uncle Simon is one of the milestones on national TV, now dominated by reggaeton and violence. Click, read and hear the different stories and memories that the "nephews" of the "old horse" wanted share about your way through this program and its significance for the country.
Virgilio Garcia Tirado (Chusmita) Simón Díaz met before the program answers by Uncle Simon was conceived. In fact, both recorded a duet in 1983 that formed the basis for the educational concept of the show created by the author of Old Horse
arguably Virgilio Garcia Tirado is the first artistic nephew Simon Diaz, because before was born by Uncle Simon and Answers took some time working with him. "When I was five (1980) participated in the Eurovision Song Sensational Kids who organized Saturday and stayed in second place with the song Hey Chusmita, Luis Cruz, who earned the nickname that I retain today. In 1983, Oscar Serfaty, my musical godfather, he suggested to Simon that I write a song, a duet recorded and thus was born the subject of questions and answers between us. Then we did some educational micros and he decided to make the program. "
As a soldier to soldier was Virgil during the six years of the show. "This program was purity Beauty and learning: it was our playground, but, above all, promoting brotherhood.
Although his hair is no longer "cut gourd" of children and was even overlook some entries, likes I still remember as one of the "cousins". Today 35, Virgil 12-rearing a daughter, kills "Tigritos" Creole singer and is one of the ways that drew Díaz. "I have a program in www.radioclickdigital. com (Venezuela Digital), which are exposed to new singers. We want to create a label for those values, because we have to take care of our culture. And that I learned from Simon, a University of wisdom. "
dulcemaria Pilonieta began as a model of the program. Shortly thereafter had greater participation. Today is manager and holds a graduate degree in human resources.
Image: Courtesy dulcemaria Pilonieta
How did you get answers from Uncle Simon?
"It was in 1985. The program was looking at" pecosita. What little I remember from that is that I was a day to study and we were introduced to the three finalists in the program (Jessica Another girl and I). Then we had to go to an audition with the musical director, who made us sing, dance and act. At first I was not selected because it was Jessica's choice, but a month I was called to enter in the program as a "model". My duties were to be next to the participants of the answer and then take the prize: a basket of products. Then, over time, but soon I was giving more responsibility to be on par with my other colleagues, who already had a year of seniority within the program. "
Any story you can recall about one of the programs?
"Yes, the final gala of Festichamo. It was a live show we did in a theater (the others were under consideration). We prepared well in advance all the choreography and had to rehearse over and over again. We could not afford to be wrong, because the public was ahead. We had direct contact with him. In addition we used our best clothes. Usually sing live, but in this case went to the studio to record vocals. That was very exciting. Also I have very fond memories of when we were touring the countryside. The people were very open. They gave us gifts, we opened the doors of their houses. Are dedicated her for showing her love. "
What you meant to have been one of the reference children's productions of the 80 television?
" In my case, five wonderful years that also have fun doing it, we learned many things about our country and values \u200b\u200bthat make today we are who we are and I would say that as it was for me, it was for all generation following us every day. "
What did you do after this program?
" After leaving the program and participated in numerous soap operas for television unit (Empress, Wild Animal World, Beautiful, dangerous, Macarena, Sin of Love, all for your love, love spells, among others). At the same time I studied Tourist Business Administration and then did a postgraduate degree in Human Resources. Since leaving television, I have worked in companies related with my studies. "
Your memories of Simon Diaz?
" means "my Uncle Simon," a guy who every evening I taught to know and love my country. By Simon I have a deep affection because I think part of the cultural heritage of Venezuela "
dulcemaria What are you doing today?
"Estoy radicada en España, país en el que vivo desde hace 5 años. Estoy casada y tengo una hermosa hija de 6 años que tiene la vena artística de su madre y que cada día me sorprende con sus ocurrencias, su picardía y hasta con sus travesuras".
Wilmer Machado quedó inmortalizado como Coquito luego que ingresó a Contesta por tío Simón en 1985.
"Se busca un niño de color arrosquetao, de cabello ensortijao, que sing, to dance and is talkative. "Wilmer Machado still remember the call in verse TV did Simon Diaz for the casting of boys who, like him, wanted to be part of this space." The program was to air Chusmita, Teresita and Zurima, but they wanted a fourth member, Simon requirement that had to be bold. I went to a test, I began to sing and dance with Therese and I agreed. In my first appearance, he held back at the feet of Simon with a bike and said 'I Coquito' (the name he had given me). "
" The lu, the lu, the lu, Monday are Coquito, Coquito with Uncle Simon Pa'que get a bit here on television, "said the song that still salute him on the street, which he considers the greatest expression of public affection. Uncle Simon answered by highlighting the legacy of Venezuelans." Whoever do not remember it, Simon did Festichamo, a festival that promoted the national anthem and child talent. We show that it can exalt our culture without boring and can get a healthy television.
already entered in the thirties, Machado is on TV, makes theater (runs through his monologue Crisilda Caracas) is an orchestra and studies theater the UCV. "I have worked as assistant director commercials and films. "Now he wants to reunite the cast of a show in tribute to its founder:" Simon gave us the opportunity to enter this world through the front door. He told us that we are all equal, we have the color we have, we go on television or not. And that I say great. "
crinejas The brunette girl who accompanied Simon as one of his nephews on television is today a 35 year old mother and three children who longs to see programs such as those co-starred.
"Theresa, have a trial!" Said a voice in one of the segments as she headed the cast of Answer by Uncle Simon and Theresa with Uncle Simon, whenever he looked like a naughty girl to which he climbed the two crinejas by a mischief.
now become a 35 year old mother, Mrs. Teresita Duque repeats the same phrase to his three children (18, eight and six years of age) every time you must guide them. But more than that longs for programs like the one she co-starred. "The guy brought education, values. With us transmitting the idea that children can have fun learning. And that's not what you see today, because everything is cry and violence. For me this program was a school, I learned to sing, counterpoint and knew it was a tune. We met the Venezuelan culture, but also science and even how to protect endangered animals. The amazing thing is that my kids enjoy my videos. "
Away from the small screen and reside in Barlovento, Duke worked as a singer in the orchestra of the National Guard for 15 years." I am delighted when I recognized in the street, although I have not the crinejas (laughs). Indeed, in some dances of the orchestra asked me to sing 'On Thursday Teresita is the excitement of this bold the one with Uncle Simon '. "
The girl who in 1981 was unveiled on Saturday singing The Sensational Caracolito, is grateful to have had as a mentor Simon Diaz. "I grew up with him and to celebrate my 15 years together in a TV studio. He was and is my greatest teacher. "
In long, straight hair, Zurima Barba noted for his sweet image and great stature. The now impeached in the U.S. model is proud to be artistic niece of Simon Diaz, whom he considers the country's cultural heritage.
Image: Courtesy Zurima Barba
"Today is Tuesday Zurima, Zurima with Uncle Simon. I put my heart, you tuning." This was what he sang the slender girl with straight hair Zurima Barba at the beginning of each issue on its agenda. The girl then became the woman who posed in the photo with chameleon-like grace that is: professional model runway, catalogs and commercial for 16 years. Impeached between Miami and New York, the mannequin 34 (turns 35 in October and just got married ") does not forget his way through this show.
"They took me to walk eight-channel telephone account, and when I got Simon was there and asked me if I sang. I said yes. He took the four, I heard and ended up recording a commercial with him for San Juan de Dios hospital. Four months later I called to answer by Uncle Simon. What began as something little it became huge. We did concerts in the interior, sing in arenas. I was very lucky to be there, because we did a very noble work for children. We changed them their 'Chinese' with balls that do not kill birds. In addition, this program was devoted to rescue the folklore. "
Despite the distance, recalls with particular affection for his companions." Recently I met with Coquito and it was nice to laugh at these things, because even if we was sad when the project ended, we realized that life goes on. "
" Thank You "is the word that he dedicated to Uncle Simon." For the country is an example. Released our music in the world and their work, in my generation, we knew a little over Venezuela. For me it was a second father. The last time I saw him was at a concert at Carnegie Hall in New York. I walked over and said, 'I Zurima'. She hugged me and said, 'How you've grown, girl. " 'But I'm still your niece and I say proudly,' I replied. "
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