crimes against humanity committed by the State during the civil-military dictatorship are being judged. There are only three synonyms for the word "against", "wound", "damaged", "aggrieved." So when we refer to as state crimes "against humanity" are saying that State, with its crimes, has been wounded, injured, harmed humanity.
Information to attend the hearings :
The oral hearings are public, so it can be witnessed by over 18 years, who are credited with ID, identity card or passport, media hour before the hearings.
av.Luro The court is in 2455 (and / Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe (compared to e))
av.Luro The court is in 2455 (and / Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe (compared to e))
Hearings are MONDAY and TUESDAY at 10am.
6-7-20-27 dates in September and 28. Concur.
6-7-20-27 dates in September and 28. Concur.
On August 9 from 10 am start to be judged three soldiers accused of crimes against humanity committed in the clandestine center of detention (CCD) that worked in the Naval Base in the city during the civil-military dictatorship. Two other defendants for the same crimes will not be judged for having a degenerative mental disease.
During the debate that is estimated to last until mid-November, will share one of the mega case known as Naval Base. This time the trial of those responsible for unlawful deprivation of liberty mediate doubly aggravated by violence and threats and the imposition of torture have been made worse by the detriment of political persecution in nine cases. You can judge those responsible for seven murders qualified by the aid of two or more people. In the case
are five defendants, two members of the Army and three from the Navy, "but only three will sit on the bench. It is the former Brigadier General Alfredo Manuel Arrillaga, former Navy Captain Ignacio Justo Ortiz and Roberto Luis Pertusio Admiral. The retired colonel Pedro Alberto Barda and marine Juan Carlos Malugani not be judged. Both are affected by a degenerative mental disease. Military and marine
are charged with kidnapping, torture and in some cases, homicides perpetrated against Retegui Liliana Patricia Lazzeri, Liliana Iorio, Tristan Omar Roldán, Delia Elena Garaguso, Juan Raul Bourg, Alicia Rodríguez de Bourg, and survivors Nancy Nicuez Carricabur and Stella Maris.
stage is estimated that the discussion will continue until mid-November and the hearings will be held two days a week, probably Monday and Tuesday, also will have about 60 witnesses
Naval Base 1 is the second trial for crimes against humanity committed in Mar del Plata. The first is that life sentence to former Air Force officer Gregorio Rafael Molina, ended 15 days ago.
Case Regine
Cause "Regine" which investigates the involvement of two soldiers and a former marine in the imposition of torture kidnapping of Luis Salvador Regine also be tried in this trial .
The accused include former colonel Pedro Alberto Barda (quine not be judged by health problems), former Navy Captain Ignacio Alberto Justo Ortiz and former Brigadier General Alfredo Manuel Arrillaga.
The case began in 2006 with the complaint by Luis Regine and his wife, Margarita Isabel Segura. A Barda, and Arrillaga Ortiz are charged with having participated in a raid on March 24, 1976, when military personnel raided the house of marriage and held in place with the couple, their son and the mother of Regine.
Regine was transferred to the Naval Base and tortured by immersion in a container with water until suffocation.
Later, Regine was released after be told that the operation had been a misunderstanding, as they sought to Diego Ibáñez leader of the United Union of Oil (SUPE), who have lived in the same house many years earlier.

Alberto Pedro Barda
(Chief of Army 601-GADA)
(Chief of Army 601-GADA)
is charged with illegal deprivation of liberty mediate doubly aggravated by violence and threats Retegui Liliana Patricia Lazzeri, Liliana Iorio, Nancy and Stella Maris Carricabur Nicuez, Tristan Omar Roldan, Delia Elena Garaguso, Juan Raul and Alicia Rodriguez Bourg Bourg, imposition of aggravated torture for having committed against the political persecution of those who were victims Retegui Liliana Patricia Lazzeri, Liliana Iorio, Nancy and Stella Carricabur Nicuez Maris, Tristan Omar Roldan, Delia Elena Garaguso, Juan Raul and Alicia Rodriguez Bourg Bourg, and homicide by the aid of two or more people who became victims Retegui Liliana Patricia Lazzeri, Liliana Iorio, Tristan Omar Roldan, Delia Garaguso Elena, Juan Raul and Alicia Rodriguez Bourg Bourg, all in real competition as coauthor.
Alfredo Manuel Arrillaga
(Chief of Army Intelligence, with the rank of Brigadier General)
(Chief of Army Intelligence, with the rank of Brigadier General)
is charged with illegal deprivation of liberty mediate doubly aggravated by violence and threats of Juan Raul Bourg and Alicia Rodríguez Bourg, aggravated by the imposition of torture have been committed to the detriment of political persecution of those who were victims Juan Raul and Alicia Rodriguez Bourg Bourg, and homicide by the aid of two or more persons who were victims of the aforementioned Juan Raul Bourg and Alicia Rodríguez Bourg, in real competition and as a contributor.
Juan Carlos Malugani
(Chief of the Naval Base, Navy)
(Chief of the Naval Base, Navy)
is charged with illegal deprivation of freedom doubly aggravated by violence and threats mediate Retegui Liliana Patricia Lazzeri, Liliana Iorio, Nancy Carricabur and Stella Maris Nicuez, Omar Roldan Tristan and Delia Elena Garaguso, imposition of aggravated torture for having committed against the political persecution of those who were victims Retegui Liliana Patricia Lazzeri, Liliana Iorio, Nancy and Stella Maris Carricabur Nicuez, Tristan Omar Roldan, Delia Elena Garaguso, and homicide in the competition two or more persons who were victims Retegui Liliana Patricia Lazzeri, Liliana Iorio, Tristan Omar Roldan, Delia Elena Garaguso, all in real competition as coauthor.
Ignacio Alberto Ortiz Just
(Deputy Chief of the Naval Base, Navy retired with the rank of Captain)
(Deputy Chief of the Naval Base, Navy retired with the rank of Captain)
is charged with illegal deprivation of freedom doubly aggravated by violence and threats mediate Retegui Liliana Patricia Lazzeri, Liliana Iorio, Nancy and Stella Maris Carricabur Nicuez, Omar Roldan Tristan and Delia Elena Garaguso, aggravated by the imposition of torture have been committed to the detriment of political persecution those who were victims Retegui Liliana Patricia Lazzeri, Liliana Iorio, Nancy and Stella Maris Carricabur Nicuez, Tristan Omar Roldan, Delia Elena Garaguso, and homicide by the aid of two or more persons who were victims Retegui Liliana Patricia Lazzeri Lisa Iorio, Tristan Omar Roldan, Delia Elena Garaguso, all in real competition as coauthor.
Roberto Luis Pertusio
(Navy, Admiral degree)
(Navy, Admiral degree)
is charged with illegal deprivation of liberty mediate doubly aggravated by violence and threats of Omar Tristan and Delia Elena Roldan Garaguso, imposition of aggravated by torture, if committed in subject to political persecution of those who were victims of the aforementioned Omar Roldan Tristan and Delia Elena Garaguso, murder by the aid of two or more persons who were victims of the said Omar Roldan Tristan and Delia Elena Garaguso, and as co-author, and the crime of aggravated robbery and weapons have been committed in town and band at the expense of Roland and Garaguso, acting of secondary participant, all in real competition. Segui
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