When we started we did not want it to be unimportant. The first installment of this special monument with 100 professionals and 100 fonts, which later became one of the most important Latin American blogs, deserved a luxury. He was one of the first who believed in our University Conference on Information Design. He was at all events, not veneer. In the auditorium of the University of Palermo or the Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEB). At the University Austral was one among the students who were preparing for the workshop.
Miguel De Lorenzi was art director of the newspaper La Voz del Interior, Cordoba at the time. Yesterday, at 23, Cachoíto left us.
( By Miguel de Lorenzi , designer and guru Argentina) If you ask someone who loves food, no one will respond Milan, period, for example. Tell Milanese breaded with fries or mashed. The same thing happens with fonts. Will be commonplace but I like the duo or better, couples making love typographical round italic, bold with ligth, serifs with sans serif, and so on. Some couples Classics: Franklin Gothic Bold Italic Stempel Garamond light that Milan would be my fries or my dessert cheese and sweet.
That will be my vulgar taste, but when I fonts not stop thinking about the customer, the environment and the reader.
I like fonts with large families, with different weights, their italics and condensed. But I marry none. Paraphrasing the Renaissance "Nothing of what is human is alien to me" I would say "Nothing is typography is alien to me." I do not believe
designers who say "I have only five fonts in my computer." If you review your work constantly see you are infidels naming those five.
There are rare. The Nimrod does not seem a very beautiful letter, but I recognize that some of the body 8 has a clarity and unbeatable performance.
Other oddities: the Swift by Gerard Unger or his Gulliver. Lyrics are beautiful, in my opinion the best that was designed with serifs in recent years and not many designers use them. However, it is delirious by the Scala which is a source that seems to have been thrown aside and the market almost without end and without having provided enough pesos.
More curious: Why do so many fast food places use Lithos?
Buenos Aires is a city of Frutiger told me Chilean designer in addressing the subway.
If I have to do a piece for a rock festival or other communication for young people, I feel compelled to use a grunge font. I think using a bias not grunge designers: The young rockers are a dirty broken. Something seems to happen to publications for children using the Comic Sans: children are suckers that they should like the silly Comic Sans.
Without blushing, if anything, do not hesitate to use a script for an elegant concert Spinetta.
I refuse to use Helvetica or Times because they are commonplace. Many designers believe
overcome this complex using popularity the Akzidenz Grotesk that was the predecessor of the Swiss. What in general do not know is that the Akzidenz was digitized using an eye on the Swiss.
A letter that I hate, not popular if not ugly is Brush Script. And his cousin, the Mistral (my God, see what they are Open Type ligatures, yet managed to make them ugly.) But Atenti, if the greengrocer on the corner asking me to make the sign of your grocery store with Brush Script, try to convince us to use another letter. If not convinced, I will be in Brush Script. I'm sure it will increase your sales will be happy with your poster. Their joy reflected in her smile and attract more customers. Or is not designed for people? Other letters
produce a certain grudge against me are pixelated especially when they are used to indicate the digital and the "space" type NASA logo to signify modernity. Never
I went up to the controversial Swiss versus Univers. Each source has its own thing and it sounds better one way or another as appropriate.
I do not understand those who shout themselves hoarse talking about readability and typography body parts are printed on an orange 7 to 30 percent.
not understand those who burn the head for months and months in FontLab doing a variation of a classical source that has a place on the internet with the Font Pérez.
After the Swiss and the Meta, I think the Fontana ND is one of the great contributions to the world of fonts without serifs. Should have better luck and international significance.
Below the body 8 lyrics are brown and not worth peeling a Garamond against Goudy, if there is a question of performance space.
Believe it or not free online sources are pretty good.
I summarize the previous paragraphs. I have no preference or dislike for any particular source. I have only preferences for ways to use them.
Well, stop here. As is known, in general, designers are semi-literate people, we Image made a fetish and are now too many lines to read.