Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How Much Is A Canine Tooth For My Dog

Before discussing the contract "electronic" mapping and registration of domain names ...

I ask to see and comment here the paper published in the URL ....

http://www.dominiuris.es/?id=126&seccion=&materias =

reads in part:

The question to ask is whether an entity provides a service university business in exchange for a payment, which has generated wealth, can benefit, contract, failure to comply with the contracted service, offering the same service to two or more people at once, "unfold" ceasing to be partner of applicants and exempted from complying with the order, setting-firstly, that the two contracting parties should be subjected to a "mediation" where the NIC autoasume a new role of "mediator" without any law or rule authorizing it to act in this way.

Second, the two or more partners of the NIC, who have paid the price of the service requested and that among them there are no contractual relationship or obligation, should be subject to arbitration. NIC Chile is a company providing commercial and contractual, under the general rules of law and consumer law. Despite its nature of business "university" has no general authority, legal, or administrative regulation to define the Chilean standards for registering domain name dot cl. It has only been established clauses or terms of service contracts it holds.

only thing he could legally do, and did, was to define the terms of a contract that takes effect only on the parties who sign-NIC and a registrant of the domain name, "contract that is also" membership "because its rules can not be negotiated, which is temporary," because the service provided by the NIC has unilaterally demarcated two years, and, with exactly the same object can be held with one, two, three or more people same time. And always be contractual rules, although the IAS are denominated "Regulation."

I think, in essence, the rules governing the Chilean system of domain names is the product of erroneous opinion of its editors, who believed they were acting as a legislature with legislative powers, probably because of its proximity professional with the regulations on Status of industrial property. We forget that the industrial property field is governed by a rule with the rule, the obligation and the power of a general law and establishing an institutional imperative, procedures and levels of challenge, which is a radical difference to the scope of Domain name registration.

Regulation is made or autoestablecida Unanimous rules, not Chile has been enacted by any authority and therefore not published in the Official Journal. Is respected by users seeking to register a domain name, which is under contract to accept. Ergo, it is not legally presumed or known to all third parties under the terms of the Civil Code and can claim ignorance until it is paid to NIC Chile the fare and not understanding reached between the NIC and the applicant is a contract .... Rjl


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