Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Is The Chance Of Another War In The Usa

Among Quincha


Diego Sanz Salas, Peruvian, from Arequipa, a city located 1000 km. south of Lima. Began studying graphic design in Cordoba, Argentina and ended in his homeland. He currently teaches Visual Basic and Signs and Symbols in the south. He was elected at the Biennial of Tipos Latinos 2010, representing Peru, by Thatch typeface that has appeared in the journal Page of Germany and the typographic calendar Typodarium and is on sale since 2009 he hopes will soon present his latest font, Chicha.

how you came up with a typography?
Diego Sanz Salas: good, has to do with me. When I started my studies in Cordoba was a surprise to discover an area of \u200b\u200btypography and graphic design. When I was little my mother demanded to write with great style and always devoted to good writing and drawing letters, so to see that the race had me very interested in this branch. Sadly, before delving into the subject with my family back to Arequipa. Since then I became a self-taught typographer. Books and the Internet have been my teachers. When designing brands began to modify existing letters, then draw them from scratch. The big step was to own source.
My first source is called simply, did in
FontStruct . The system developed for Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic, Thai and Armenian.

what year?
Diego Sanz Salas: in 2008. After that experience I decided to go to design a source outside FontStruct , Thatch was born. Although some sources had wanted sketches for visually representing Peru. There are many good printers Latino and somehow he could offer was to appear in the form or forms to theirs, so I needed something to differentiate it from existence. I did an analysis of our visual history and visual and obviously the most representative was the Inca empire. I studied textiles, the ceramics and architecture to see where the motivation was and found it in the Inca walls, with their basic shapes and features. It was the perfect excuse to create a source. And it was not going to take a lot of technical work and that was something great for me because I had no experience. So I used the idea of \u200b\u200ba source that would "build" an Inca wall with words. All the lyrics are based on a square module to fill the spaces between them were created and other stones. The first sketches the hung on Flickr and there contacted Eli Castellanos, who is director of digital foundry cocijotype , Mexico. He helped me with the whole process of making the final source Thatch is now on sale since November, 2009 -.

answer your question about why I decided to create a font say why not?

why Quincha you put your work? being a term in Quechua?
Diego Sanz Salas: is the closest term to the idea of \u200b\u200bstone wall, the other word is drywall, but Quincha me pareció más atrayente y de acuerdo al diccionario es un término adecuado. En realidad, si se busca el término para los muros incaicos no hay uno definido.

¿cómo participar de la Bienal Tipográfica?
Diego Sanz Salas: La Bienal de Tipos Latinos es libre, cualquier diseñador se puede inscribir. Es súper sencillo, solo se completan datos, el nombre de la fuente y te dan un código, luego hay que enviar la lámina de acuerdo a unas especificaciones. Todo se envía vía mail . Un jurado elige a los representantes, quienes participan de una exposición by countries belonging to Tipos Latinos. In all these works is shown selected in 2010 were 74, eleven were enrolled in Peru and Mexico 114. The jury consists of printers from Latin America, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, Brazil.

the next is ...
Diego Sanz Salas: The call for the next biennium is closed in February 2012. Just be prepared to send them work. The award is to remain as part of the exhibition. can check

"and thus obtain a space ...?
Diego Sanz Salas: Yes, the font is chosen and this is a plus to commercialize it. Thatch has been exhibited in 27 cities in Latin America and Spain, including La Habana in Cuba, has toured thirteen countries. It was purchased in the U.S., Europe and Japan.

is it profitable? "Pay?
Diego Sanz Salas: For my first source it is. I thought I would not buy it is a fairly local. With the Biennale in Lima found that American do not walk very interested in buying from local sources.

what it takes to be a creator typo? must first be a typographical consumer?
Diego Sanz Salas: First you have to know the font, that is to know that this is even before eating. Although we are surrounded by letters, texts, many designers do not know the whole process of creation behind. Be aware of this before you start using it, this is ideal, and if it is used must be deepened to know more about it, to make a good choice to properly design and typesetting.

what do you mean with the whole process of creation ...? Are you referring to the link with writing?
Diego Sanz Salas: Not only that. I refer to your history, for example known printing systems from the Gutenberg printing press to the digital sources, know your classification, understanding the optical effects involved in the reading process, showcasing the work of classical typesetters, layout of text and page layout. All this is part of the font along with the script that is writing.

why young designers do not take an interest in typography? What do you think is happening?
Diego Sanz Salas: That teachers are not interested in typography. When I attended the Biennial in Lima Lima designers hope to meet, but except for some students of Toulouse Lautrec, only got to meet Gabriel Rodriguez, author of the blog Design Peru. Professionals are not interested in making proper use of typography, not even aware of its value and probably not buy it but only the pirate. Tone can not ask more of students if their teachers do not teach anything about it and in the case of Lima is no lack of resources or training that passes as a personal matter. The typography is deserted and earning potential are directly over the Internet to customers in North America and Europe. American typographers have our market in other places and continents.

Diego, what should be taught in institutions of graphic design? know that in Lima there are many ...
Diego Sanz Salas: should be taught design, not to use Photoshop effects and make beautiful artwork, that's part of something, the most important is the design. Currently there to motivate students to go through the process of generating a concept, to find solutions to obstacles and thus achieve the communication objective. From here I see that Lima is very closed to the rest of the country, including in their design.

hopefully soon come to Lima ...
Diego Sanz Salas: I return to contact and introduce more agencies Chicha, my next video.

that posh ... and what is your inspiration? in the corn ...?
Diego Sanz Salas: No, jajajaja, in popular graphics chicha, in the work done by brush by popular lyricists and other markets.

you notify us in advance ...?
Diego Sanz Salas: soon be ready. I used the logo of an exhibition in Chile, asked me to talk about the new graphics in Peru, with posters Urcuhuaranga Elliot, . So far it has 600 glyphs, so it is rather extensive and will have three versions to work the words in three colors in the logo.

a super nice to meet you ... keep in touch ...

If you are interested in purchasing this font can enter :

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Rotronic 12.02 Treiber

The Wizard of maracas, Juan Ernesto Laya

Aldemaro Romero compared to Paganini. It is the musician with the record for most recordings made in the country. Juan Ernesto Laya, the Ensamble maraquero Gurrufío, has just released an album with guests luxury in which he takes full brightness to the gourds and baskets. This has its unique history Magaly Rodriguez Marcel Cifuentes

all began with a whim of his grandfather Juan de Jesus. In Valencia, in his seven years the small Juan Ernesto finished his homework and knew what to expect: fixed later music and maracas. "My grandfather was a master of construction and always wanted to learn to play, bought some but never could, it seemed very difficult. The saved and said that when the birth of her first grandchild was going to give away to teach." But how do you teach what you do not know? "He put the radio or a CD and told me where there was percussion, touch me. Sergio Mendes with maracas, maracas The wedge, Tona La Negra to shakers, maracas Gualberto Ibarreto with Charlie Parker with maracas.

Bossa nova, waltz , partying, merengue, which fell, with maracas " smiles.

What began as a game, became a routine that gained fame in the block. A neighboring family was a group of partying and adopted the clever Juan Ernesto maraquero as its mascot.

to her teachers began to make propaganda. "Once he was playing at my school Tomás Reyes, a great harpist, and said he had a little boy who played maracas. I was 10 and when I heard I said I wanted to take on tour with him. We went to get the permission for my grandfather and was thrilled, "she recalls. Then he attended a music school in Valencia and took classes with the Triune maraquero Morillo.

since the talent "Layita" for known off. The graceful shake of their gourds began to spread quickly on the scene plains of Venezuela and Colombia. Maraquero became Dennys River, and soon began working in Caracas with Cristina Maica. From the hand of Joseph Archer harpist, bass and cuatro Gailabi Ramón Jiménez Mota, a group created with almost reggaeton-inspired name: The Machinery Llanera. It was the time of the sunsets and Laya Llaneros began working with the greats: Teo Galindez, Reinaldo Armas, Luis Silva, Rummy Olivo, Simon Diaz, Palmarito Carrao. Of their units as the representative of Venezuela International Music Festival Llanera de Villavicencio, Colombia, won first place for best maraquero.

Not satisfied, then distinguished him as the best maraca player of all time in the history of the festival, a title he still holds.

Laya-catching, all right.

In 1997, Cheo Hurtado, cuatro Gurrufío Assembly was making a record on their own.

"They called four harps and a four, and four harpists chose each one for himself advised him that I had to participate in their record." Hurtado called, heard and then believed.

next day he invited to his party birthday. "When I was Aldemaro Romero, Maria Teresa Chacin, Claudia Calderon, Cecilia Todd, Serenata Guayanesa, Francisco Pacheco, El Pollo Brito and the Quartet," says dazzled. "Gurrufío started playing and invited me to join them. I knew the whole repertoire because he practiced from dude."


"Before entering Gurrufío once tricked a friend invited me to play at a festival in a small town in Carabobo named Ginger, was a benefit of a public works they wanted to do there. We had to sleep in hammocks on the edge of a river, and when we played, the only amplifier that had worked with an electric Plantic, when he ran out of gas, it is just music, "he laughs." Even during the strike, Robert Koch, El Pollo Brito, Gonzalez de Guaco Edepson and I put together a group of low, four, piano and maracas, and we went for a season to play boleros every night in a hotel in Puerto Cabello. We were playing to tourists, people arriving on boats. Was great. "

Not surprisingly, Aldemaro Romero called him" the Paganini of the maracas, "referring to the famous Italian violinist whose virtuosity was attributed to magnetic devil." While playing slower, more unusual we thought what he was doing, "says the flutist Luis Julio Toro." He has a control that defies maracas gravity. What that day was a foolish thing, incomprehensible. The Nuggets moved as commanded by him is like having a way to keep them glued to the roof of the gourd that are dropped only when he wanted. "Cristóbal Soto The mandolin had just left the assembly, so he approached Toro hidden agenda.

"Boy, do you have a passport?" Within weeks, Laya traveled to Chicago as the newest member of Assembly Gurrufío. Two months later, his grandfather died. "When I said I was going to play with much contented Gurrufío thank God I could give that joy in life."

Since then his eclectic childhood training has allowed him to record not only with folk music artists. "I'm not afraid to invent, I adapt to whatever." Don Grussin, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Aterciopelados, Franco de Vita, Servando y Florentino, Frank Quintero and Guaco have also used the versatile ringing of their baskets.

In 2008, only 35 years, the Venezuelan Association of Performers and Producers of Phonograms (Avinpro) granted recognition to have registered more recordings than any other artist in the country, with their participation in more than 4,000 topics. However, Laya came sneaking another wish of Don Juan de Jesus. Burn your own disc maracas.

the experiment.

"Obviously I had no idea how it would be that. How is a hard reed of maracas?" As expected, a number of artists with whom he worked wanted to return the gesture and spontaneously offered to cooperate in the experiment. Aldemaro Romero had promised to compose a new wave in honor of the maracas player, but his death cut short the plan. Agüero Herrera and Omar Ali was relieved. "Little by little they appear great musicians I said,` Layita, I have a theme for your record. "

maraquero In Sound, launched last month and a half, presents this collection of pieces of new wave, joropos tuyero and eastern Venezuelan and Dominican merengue, waltz, reggae, bagpipes, flamenco and Latin jazz, an album with the participation of The Shim, Gerardo Chacón, Carlos Nene Quintero, Victor Mestas, Cesar Orozco, Huascar Barradas, Diego Alvarez, Goyo Reina, Alfredo Naranjo, Gustavo Aguado and colleagues Exploded Gurrufío, among others. There Laya maracas are unleashed without false modesty, exploring time and surprise for an instrument sounds so often underestimated.

"In a party with music llanera, the harpist not take away the harp, the cuatro not take away the four, but there is a maraquero enough to be asked why a momentico maracas.

People think it's a cinch But when he realizes grabs which can not, "says he has among its plans to establish an institute to protect the musician plains. "Right now I'm preparing the DVD of concert to launch the album and I'm working on a project with the Big Band of the Simón Bolívar Conservatory.
also want to compose a work for orchestra and maracas, the maestro José Antonio Abreu will help me and I want the lead Dudamel, "says resolved.
remains open to all." The music is to touch, "he argued. ensures that accepts any invitation, even those at high risk. "Once I went to accompany a friend who wanted to come home with a serenade for his wife, because he disappeared for two days and said nothing.

began singing and asked me borrow maracas. As the lady opened the door, the first thing he did was take them off and was about to split in the head ... I screamed, 'Nooo, my rattles no, I beg you! "he recalls laughing." Now every time someone asks me to accompany him to serenade, find out first to be prepared. "A serenade, no? Okay.

Nothing more to know: How many days have you lost? "

Source: Journal
Todo en Domingo

Friday, January 14, 2011

Getting Rid Of Orange Juice Stain

Marva Griffin's conquests, the great lady of Milan

born in El Callao, has become the queen of design in Milan. So much so that in 1998 created the Satellite Lounge in the International Furniture Exhibition in Milan, the event most eminent furniture designer in the world. This year, that space was again what the designers of the future have to tell. About the Exhibition and visit, Griffin recalls its history marked by indelible elegance.

Jonathan Reverón / Twitter: @ elreveron

If she had not migrated in the early 70's, perfectly could now be in the Plaza El Jobo El Callao casting stories with friends or walking to their grandchildren, relieving the heat of these dates or Kalalú thinking how to improve the acral or ponqué so famous old West Indian cuisine. But it was not. Marva Griffin married, turned journalist, looked for the capital Caracas, and when he was little, it was divorced with a young son and dipped the sponge that is his mind in France, then England, to land in Italy, where Milan tied forever. All this, plus some luck, a natural elegance and charisma Guiana, made it what it is today: the queen bee of the design, the architect of the Salon Satellite in Milan. The same as this year was again to show what talented young industrial designers have a great future and to display.

First meeting. Arman-do Scannone Don is 85 years.

As always, there is appointment at his home in Country living history of the country. Throughout the evening, a tall brunette, dressed as Nina Simone, converses with the rest. Someone attracted to the magnet of this ebony goddess asks, "Who are you?" "I'm Marva Griffin," he replies. The guest, with drink in hand, we cross-examination: "What do you do?" She returns to answer: "Google me baby."

universal Finder responds: "Marva Griffin is the name that every young designer whispers with fear." "Marvelous Marva."

"Marva, the queen mother of design." "One of the most recognizable of Milan."

are many features that make your personality. When you start the interrogation of rigor, Marva Griffin elusive for some reason the small details of its origin. "You were not born," he replies when asks for dates. But the eye percent, calculating, mulling, could be around 60 years. He was born in El Callao, in a family of eight children. "Back in my mom's cakes were very popular. I do not know to prepare any dessert, because while my sisters were in the kitchen I tore the hibiscus, the coves and decorated the house." That's the same household who after 40 years, is returning to the religiosity of a couple of times a year. Her apartment Caracas, judging by the parts and decoration betray who left here in the 70's. "I love being here: see my aloe, palms, ventilation, climate ... Why did you return? It is my home, my country is my family are my friends." He says it with humility, with a very white smile and optimism tattooed on his forehead.

"I'm optimistic, are not you? You have to be."

With the profession of journalism, a son and the title of divorced, he left Caracas. "I went to try his luck, other experiences, another culture, another language." He toured Europe and with its notions of Italian, knocked on the door in search employment.

picked up the poster of "wanted a journalist" in a furniture manufacturing company where he began rubbing against the world of design and the like. "I started having knowledge of the business, did a lot of public relations, saw how the product is born."

bullfighting knew well his cloak of Latino immigrants came to work with Piero Ambrogio Busnelli, founder of the Empire B & B dedicated to the world of furniture. Wasting no time, worked for magazines such as Maison & Jardin, Vogue Decoration, American House & Garden and Vogue. Good relationships and knowledge gained makes it hosts the largest textile fair the world in Venice, coupled with his admission to the Committee of Architecture and Design of Moma in New York.

Godmother dreams realized. Since it is responsible for bringing the press and public relations Mondial Design on the office desk Griffin began to settle in Milan mountains of prototypes. They were sketches of students, beginners without the support of industry and the need to be discovered.

13 years ago in partnership with other organizers of Saloni, born "pet" of all this great event: The Satellite Show. "By working with magazines some guys I knew, I looked at fairs and knew that it worked for various publications. I always said, `Oh Mrs. Marva, I designed a table, how do I file?" So I asked the support of the furniture world show in Milan and got a space. "

From a thick modesty but proud mother gestures, what Griffin calls" space "is now a hotbed of the furniture designers future. designers like Patrick Jouin, who was assistant to Philip Stark, saw light in the room Satellite founded by Griffin.

Jouin is now who decorates all restaurants of the famous French chef Alain Ducasse.

This room has become an area scout.

most promising industrial designers in the world are seen by the major manufacturers. In 2007 there was an example to follow for novice exhibitors. The exhibition called A Dream Come True Today Averatti stated in the book and shows where today boys who were waiting for someone to manufacture their ideas. The selection criteria is more competitive every year and make it more fair, the jury is composed of the pioneers of Satellite Salon, other experts and critics of architecture and design world. This year 700 participants and 25 design schools around the world gathered in Milan. The work of the fairy of El Callao is still multiplying, for good design in the world.

Source: Journal
Todo en Domingo

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why Thong Leotard On 90s

Sumito Estévez, highlights the flavors of the country

My life moves at the pace of smells, sensations shoot me then converted into dishes, perhaps the reason why during my childhood, spent so much time in the kitchen of my mother.

The Carabobeño
Dhameliz Diaz /
Photo: Mariana Yepez

"Treat me as a cook," says circumspectly as to distinguish chef, famous in the Americas. "The chef is the one who is in charge of an operation, the head of a restaurant, not the one in the kitchen." Sumito Estévez lives of odors given off their stoves now in Margarita, where he ended up in a kind of retirement at age 45. His fantasy of having a feeder waterfront, drove him to retrace his steps in Caracas to begin a new adventure in the New Cadiz in the English conquistadors. "My wife asked me one day why my dream was to be a retreat and not life?" We made the decision. I do not give a step if it has at least one year of maturing. "

friend once, was not enamored with fame. Gentil, agree that in the rush to collect the luggage at the airport in Miami, a young besiege him to take a photo with him. Friendly smiles and moves to where you are instructed to be exposed to flash.

Take the hand of his wife Silvia dragging each his luggage, when another young couple asked if he's who thinks he is. Humble, with a smile in response, stops so they can take the photo.

was so much fun doing your program in Gourmet, the cable channel that specializes in the art of cooking, he decided the show would be routine part of his life. So simply enjoy the success, public recognition and never complains about the demanding hours to record each program, which has to be tested again and again to ensure that coordination is required and recorded without cuts, as if in vivo.

When I was doing the thesis for the degree in physics at the Universidad de Los Andes, he realized he would be happier carried away by his passion to scents that are mixed in the pots and become a low heat steamed in the oven or in a sauce. No escape from this delight. Made the final decision to read an interview with Franz Conde, a renowned chef who worked for the first time. "Dealing with the kitchen but not professionally. At age 14 I started a club at today food together and made filmmaker Alberto Arvelo-food catering on request, to stay in college."

flirted with the kitchen-Why?
"My family is very gourmet, our genes have more to do with the kitchen than anything else.

- Was it a difficult decision to hang the title of Physicist to deliver to the office of cook?

- Yes, if it was. I need to have life planned. I can not stand the improvisations. Sure! He had a way too wrought, study a postgraduate course in Stanford University California to specialize in theoretical physics. The intention was to take some time to give vent to my passion, cooking and fulfill my fantasy.

started as an assistant chef in the house until his Scanone Armando admired Count Franz gave him a chance in the kitchen of the remembered Seasson Club, a luxury in the CCCT. Benami was a recommended Fredman who was responsible for developing the gastronomic. "It was a" Chamito "had as much 22 years." They put together this fabulous project, almost unique, in a golden age of Venezuela. "

- Pleasure delights. Is your home in the kitchen was a little?

- No, I started serious one, to work every day. In the kitchen one can not be entered otherwise it is a nuisance. If I get a person who just wants to work on Wednesday when I say no. At this time I realized I devote myself to the kitchen was possible and had natural talent.

would not insisting on an activity where you have opportunities to grow and I felt comfortable with the demands of the schedule, the shouting, the regime imposed in a kitchen.

- How do you identify talent?

"That's natural. Nobody can teach you to cook rich. That does not exist. If you have no skills to understand you with the world of the kitchen no natural power over what you teach. The study, discipline and training provided to cook properly.

- What is required to work in a kitchen?

"Having a military structure in the head. There is a hierarchy and you have to respect it, if chef, no chef, must obey or suffer much.

- Military discipline does not restrict the passion for cooking?

"Absolutely not. Military discipline is a system of respect hierarchy, one accepts that the procedure is well, period. In a kitchen the creative process is unique to the head chief.

The way I cook

wanted to be a Venezuelan, not Hindu and his mother, though dressed in sari and overflows daily spirituality. It is a good conversationalist around a bountiful table.

- What has been your biggest fiasco?

- When I broke my restaurant in Mérida, it was very painful.

- Why did it happen?

"I talked to all my friends and chefs there is no one who has not gone through 6 restaurants. It is part of the experience until you reach a certain maturity to understand what kind of business that adapts to you as a cook. I spent much time

resented the city of Merida, because it was breaking my restaurant and was not expecting a failure in my own city, until one day I realized that the culprit was me and I became reconciled with her.

- "The greatest success?

"I consider myself an ambassador to Venezuela. Do you know how nice it is to love the country through its cuisine? Is the best thing that happened to me: life gave me the unique opportunity to represent the country in something in which Venezuelans are very proud as it is our cultural heritage.

I decided to talk about my country in one aspect about which everyone agrees. I have not even tempted, absolutely perverse of most Venezuelans, to speak ill of his own country as a way of opposing the government.

I am proud that I come and identify me first, 'you are Venezuelan. "

- What are the pride of your stove plates?

"The way I cook because I really enjoy my food. To which I draw is that it is more unusual than it seems. The point is that rich so prepared! There are millions of cooks who do not eat what they do. I have been fortunate inventing a cuisine that I enjoy eating is giving coherence to my life. I love beads, among which, lentils are my favorite.

- Dreams to fulfill?

- The Venezuelan gastronomic movement known worldwide, such as Mexico and Peru. It is my great plan of life. We have to do.

- How long can you go without closer to the stove?

"I cook every day, the only thing that relaxes me.

- Which dish can heal a wound of the heart?

-Con cloves, because a nail takes out another nail.

- And the best recipe to share a joy?

- with what the other person likes to eat is an act of pure seduction. Do you know who is the worst cook? The arrogant, he prepares dishes that fit well without thinking about what she likes the other. The only table deeply seductive is that you serve thinking about what other delights.

Countries and their

flavors - flavors may define a country?

- Dhameliz That's beautiful! The man lost the ability to mark their territory and did not know what your space. Intended to be the walls of the house, hairlines limit map the country or passport.

Globalization breaks all barriers, but also the constraints may be violated. Today in Venezuela sufficient for a public official to fall in love in your field to despoil you. The area is a pipe dream, then, the way that modern man set up his living space was through food. You learn to eat things that others do not like but I identify as a people. I assure you that if I was among these foreigners-we are talking in a sun loungers around the pool at the Celebrity cruise Soltice-put here a cheese creole, with muffins and a hallaquitas none come close to eat this "pod" . None.

Instead Venezuelan group we would focus around the table: we are a territory established by the kitchen. And they watch us as strangers and wonder how we dare to eat it, and us the reasons why they do not prove it. Territoriality is set by the cultural heritage, intangible, immaterial.

- Venezuela has a flavor?

- One no. Venezuela has a vast culinary culture! And I'm telling you not chauvinism, but I've cooked in all Latin American countries least in Bolivia and Paraguay, the other from top to bottom. And I put one of the recipes of the culinary culture Traditional in each region to compete with the popular recipe and I still believe Venezuela is technically the best, really, but we have not noticed.

- Can you draw a map of Venezuela through their tastes?

- I am Merida and I'm tired I say that Venezuela is the chili taste sweet because it is also in Merida, but also the cilantro, scallions ...

- And the flavor of Guarico?

- Salting. The capybara, the baba.
- Is the coast?

- A fried fish, roast suckling pig and could carry it further to the dogfish.

- Mantua food is different from Caracas to Valencia?

"They're very similar in taste sour but have points regionalization. Sumito

Estevez: Hallaca Caraqueña 1 / 3

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Long Does Your Cervix Stay High After O

beach few days while awaiting trial on
military Four convicted of crimes against humanity in the city of Bahía Blanca, which have legal authorization to travel and enjoy Summer in the city

The Oral Criminal Tribunal Federal de Bahia Blanca did not accept the invitation made by the Special Prosecution Unit to advance the fair judicial order to advance all that is necessary to set a date for trial of the causes "04/07" and "05/07" for crimes against humanity committed by army and navy during the last dictatorship civil-military. However, fixed in a jiffy give four of the defendants permission for them to enjoy a holiday on the beaches of Mar del Plata.
bahiense The federal court should have determined before year-end dates of the trial to judge the crimes committed by the Fifth Corps of the Army and Navy, but despite that the Federal Court of Appeal upheld the processing of each one of the accused, the commencement of trials is still a mystery.
Amid the controversy over the lack of commitment by some judges for doing their jobs and dispense justice, it was learned that some of the defendants who have the release, were authorized to travel to other parts of the country to take a few days vacation. Such is the case of Oscar Castro Ship captains and Payba Hernán Lorenzo, who were in the city in recent days. To join the illustrious visitors, Captain Hugo Mac Gaul and retired Col. Carlos Andres Stricker who enjoy the sun and the beaches of Mar del Plata.
Oscar Castro is 79 years old and between 1975 and 1978 overlaid on the Naval Operation Command based in Puerto Belgrano. Prosecutors of the causes "04/07" and "05/07" claim that in 1976 he commanded the Amphibious Support Force that formed in turn 2 to Task Force responsible for security and intelligence with jurisdiction over buildings , facilities and establishments within the perimeter of the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base including Puerto Rosales Rosales Colonel's party, the Partido area of \u200b\u200bBahía Blanca and the port area of \u200b\u200bIngeniero White, Cuatreros and Galvan. He retired from the Navy in 1980.
El Tribunal Oral Federal Criminal allowed Castro to spend between 12 and 17 December, a few days Vacation stay at the Hotel Antarctica, located in the center of this city
retired Navy Captain Hernán Payba also walked 75, and "La Feliz". Yesterday he left the house on Calle Urquiza to 3400, where he stayed from 23 December.
Payba was arrested on 23 November 2009 more than 20 charges of unlawful deprivation of liberty, more than a dozen cases of use of torture and eight homicides. He was released after paying the bail imposed and now lives in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Mac Gaul would have come to Mar del Plata with the new year and is authorized judicial to stay until 28 February. Occupy an apartment at 2300 Tucuman Street.
retired Navy Captain 83, is charged in the case "04/07." He is considered responsible for the fate of at least 17 political detainees during the civil-military dictatorship. From February 1979 until his retirement he served as chief of the Logistics Group of the Naval General Secretariat in the Office of the President.
The last to arrive and leave will be retired Col. Carlos Andres Stricker. On 10 January should occupy an apartment in Belgrano 2200. There remain until 10 March.
Stricker, 72, is the youngest of four vacationers. Unlike his comrades, is charged in the case "05/07" belonging to the Army and the "04/07" of the Navy.
since December 1974 and two years in a row, Stricker served as deputy chief of the Communications Battalion 181.
As was the case when the retired police commissioner of Mendoza, Eduardo Smaha Borzuk tried summer holidays two years ago in Mar del Plata, Human rights organizations will ask the City Council of General Pueyrredon to declare persona non grata to the four soldiers accused for the crimes perpetrated Bahia Blanca. Smaha
Borzuk served as a member of the Intelligence Service of the Police of Mendoza (D2). They called him "Tigre Acosta de Mendoza" in comparison to the fierce repressor that acted in the ESMA. Is accused of numerous crimes, including their involvement in the disappearance of the poet, journalist and Paco montonero Urondo. In December 2008, justice was authorized to spend a few days in Mar del Plata, but under pressure from human rights organizations, the city council declared him persona non grata and had to suspend repressor beach vacation.
also awarded to:
05/07 Cause authorized by the Federal Court No. 1:
LAWLESS, Alejandro: Villa Gesell (from 26 to 30/12/1910)
MARJANOV, Alejandro Osvaldo: Province of Santiago del Estero (from 26 to 10/27/1910, 30/10/1910 and Cordoba to Buenos Aires from 3 to 11/9/1910)
GANDOLFO, Ricardo Claudio: Mar de las Pampas (from 4 and 5 / 9 / 10 and City of Libertador General San Martin 'Adventist Healthy Living Centre' from 20 to 28/11/1910)
ARROYO, Carlos Alberto: El Calafate (from 28 to 01/11/1910)
STRICKER, Carlos Andrés: Mar del Plata (from 10/01/1911 to 03/10/1911).

Cause 04.07 (NAVY) approved by the Federal Court no. 1
GAUL, Hugo. Mar del Plata (from 01/01/1911 to 02/28/1910)
REED, THEODORE Puerto Madryn (from 12 to 11/25/1910)
MARTIN, Angel Lionel: Cariló (from 10 to 14 / 9 / 10)
CASTRO, Oscar: Mar del Plata (from 12 to 12/17/1910)
PAYBA, Hernán Lorenzo: Mar del Plata (from 23 to 12/28/1910)
PADULA, Carlos Alberto: Miramar (from 02.03.1911 to 03.03.1911)
DE LEON, Enrique: Panama (from 11/30/1910 to 12/16/1910).
LAWLESS, Alejandro: Villa Gesell (from 26 to 12/30/1910)

By Federico